Definition: The code that represents the nature of delivery of SHIPMENT-UNITS contained in a TRANSPORTATION-UNIT.
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1Multiple consignees via 1 stopoff. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
2Multiple consignees via 2 stopoffs. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
3Multiple consignees via 3 stopoffs. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
4Multiple consignees via 4 stopoffs. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
5Multiple consignees via 5 stopoffs. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
6Multiple consignees via 6 stopoffs. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
7Multiple consignees via 7 stopoffs. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
8Multiple consignees via 8 stopoffs. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
9Multiple consignees via 9 stopoffs. Enter the number of stopoffs, excluding the final consignee.
CMultiple consignees via a centralized receiving point for distribution to the ultimate consignees
MMultiple consignees via a breakbulk point for distribution to the appropriate consignees
SSingle consignee at a single destination
There are 12 valid records available for display.
TRDM is managed and maintained by USTC J6 (E-Mail: TRDM)
This web page was created on 09-23-2019 14:44:27