Acids | 450, 619 |
Aircraft parts | 670-679 |
Ammunition, explosives, and other hazardous items; except small arms ammunition and radioactive waste | 400-433, 40X |
Antisubmarine equipment | 790-793 |
Baggage | 360-380 |
Boats and boxed vehicles (less than 35 feet) | 640-649 |
Bulk cargo, unpackaged, dry or liquid, except POL | 200-280 |
Chemicals | 630-639 |
Construction materiel | 660-669 |
Consumer Commodity Goods | 700-789, 70B-70D, 72A-72H |
Drugs and sundries (not requiring temperature control) | 530-549 |
Dunnage and lashing | 099 |
Empty containers | 690-696 |
Fire Fighting Equipment | 794-799 |
HHGs | 390-399 |
Instruments and apparatus | 650-659, 65A, 65B, 65C |
Lumber and logs (less than 35 feet) | 550-569 |
Machinery and parts (less than 35 feet) | 590-599 |
Mail | 610-614 |
Metal products (less than 35 feet) | 570-579 |
Oxidizing Material | 434-435 |
POL items, other than bulk | 600-609, 60A, 60B |
Paints and varnishes | 620-629 |
Privately owned vehicles (POVS) | 300-359 |
Radioactive devices, materiel, and waste | 451-496 |
Reefer cargo, chill (above32 Degrees) | 100-149 |
Reefer cargo, freeze (below 32 Degrees) | 150-199, 19X |
Small arms, small arms ammunition, and inert component parts of explosives/hazardous items | 680-689 |
Special cargo | 800-903 |
Specialized Transport Equipment | 697-699 |
Subsistence (other than chill or freeze) | 500-529, 51A-51W, 52C-52E, 5BB-5TD |
Vehicle parts | 580-589 |
There are 32 valid records available for display.