Definition: The degree of importance according to public office of a distinguished visitor.
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1The President of the United States; Heads of State of Foreign Countries and Reigning Royalty
2The Vice President of the United States; Governor of a State in his own State; Speaker of the House of Representative; Chief Justice of the United States; Former Presidents of the United States; The Secretary of State; Secretary General of the United Nations; Ambassadors of Foreign Powers; Widows of Former Presidents; Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; The Cabinet; Secretary of the Treasury; Secretary of Defense; The Attorney General; Secretary of the Interior; Secretary of Agriculture; Secretary of Commerce; Secretary of Labor; Secretary of Health and Welfare; Secretary of Homeland Security; Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Secretary of Transportation; Secretary of Energy; Secretary of Education; Secretary of Veterans Affairs; United States Representative to the United Nations; Director, Office of Management and Budget; Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors; United States Trade Representative; United States Senators (By Seniority of Senate Service or Alphabetical when Seniority Is Equal); Governors of States When Not in Their Own States (By State Entry into the Union); Former Vice Presidents of the United States; Members of the House of Representatives of the United States (By Seniority of House Service or Alphabetical when Seniority Is Equal); Governor of Puerto Rico; Counselor and Assistants to the President and the Presidential Press Secretary; Charges d'Affaires of Foreign Powers; Former Secretaries of State; The Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries (Deputy Secretary Equivalent of the Executive Departments); Administrator, Agency for International Development; Director, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; United States Ambassador at Large; Secretary of the Army; Secretary of the Navy; Secretary of the Air Force; Directory Office of Science and Technology Policy; Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Retired Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Naval Operations and Commandant of the Marine Corps (By Date of Appointment); Commandant, United States Coast Guard; Retired Service Chiefs and Commandants; General of the Army and Admiral of the Fleet; Secretary General, Organization of American States; Representatives to the Organization of American States; Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Director, International Communications Agency; Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration; Administrator, General Services Administration; Director, Office of Personnel Management; Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering; Director of ACTION; Director, Office of Community Services Administration; Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency; Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition (precedes service secretaries on acquisition matters); Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer; Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness; Chiefs of Services; Commanders-in-Chief of Unified and Specified Commands of the four-star grade; Retired Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Retired Chiefs of Services, and Retired Commanders-in-Chief of Unified and Specified Commands of the four-star grade; Principle Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
3Special Assistants to the President; Governors of Guam and the Virgin Islands; Assistant Secretaries of the Executive Departments, Assistant Secretaries of Defense, General Counsel of the Department of Defense, and Advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for NATO Affairs (By Date of Appointment); The Chief of Protocol; Deputy Administrator for NASA, Deputy Director for CIA, and Deputy Director, Arms Control and Disarmament; Comptroller General of the United States; Deputy Assistants to the President; Judges, Military Court of Appeals; Members of the Council of Economic Advisors; Active or Designate U.S. Ambassadors and Ministers (Career Rank When in the United States); Mayor of the District of Columbia; Commissioners of the Trust Territories; Under Secretary of the Army; Under Secretary of the Navy; Under Secretary of the Air Force; Vice Chiefs of Staff, Vice Chief of Naval Operations, and Assistant Commandant of the United States Marine Corps (By Date of Appointment); Generals and Admirals (4-Star Rank); Retired Generals and Admirals (4-Star); Assistant Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force (By Date of Appointment within each Service); The Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense; Assistant to the Secretary of Defense; Commanders-in-Chief of Unified and Specified Commands of Three-Star Grade (By Date of Appointment); Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Director of Defense Research and Engineering; Assistant Secretaries of Defense, DoD General Counsel, DoD Inspector General, and Director of Operational Test and Evaluation; Vice Chiefs of Services; Assistant Secretaries and General Counsels of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; Director, Administration and Management
4General Counsels of the Army, Navy and Air Force; Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense (By Date of Appointment); Lieutenant Generals and Vice Admirals (3-Star Rank); Retired Lieutenant Generals and Vice Admirals (3-Star Rank); Principal Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense (By Date of Appointment) and Deputy General Counsel of the Department of Defense; Former United States Ambassadors and Ministers to Foreign Countries; Deputy United States Trade Representative; Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army; Heads of Independent Agencies, Director of the FBI, and Mayors; Treasurer of the United States; Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service; Deputy Assistant Secretaries of the Executive Departments and Assistant General Counsels of the Department of Defense (By Date of Appointment); Deputy Under Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force (By Date of Appointment within each Service); Deputy Chief of Protocol; Counselors of Foreign Powers; Civilians Assigned to SES, and Scientific-Technical Positions (Equivalent to Others Listed in Code 4) (See Note 2); Directors of Defense Agencies; Members of Secretary of Defense Boards; Administrative Assistants of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense (non statutory), Deputy Directors of Defense Research and Engineering, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense, DoD Principal Deputy General Counsel, DoD Deputy Inspector General, DoD Principal Deputy Comptroller, Director of Net Assessment, Director of Defense Procurement, Director Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, and Director Programs Analysis and Evaluation; Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense, DoD Deputy General Counsels, Defense Advisors United States Mission NATO, Secretary of Defense Representatives to international negotiations, Deputy Comptrollers, and Assistant Inspectors General; Senior Enlisted Advisors of the Armed Services (Master Chief Petty Officers of the Navy and Coast Guard, Sergeant Majors of the Army and Marines, and the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force).
5Major Generals and Rear Admirals of the upper half (2-star); Civilians Assigned to SES and Scientific-Technical. Positions (Equivalent to Others Listed in Code 5) (See Note 2); Deputy Assistant Secretaries and Deputy General Counsels of the Army, Navy, and Air Force - OSD Historian
6Brigadier Generals and Rear Admirals of the lower half (1-star); The Assistant Chiefs of Protocol; The Secretary of the Senate; Civilians Assigned to SES and Scientific-Technical. Positions (Equivalent to Others Listed in Code 6) (See Note 2); Assistant Deputy Under Secretaries and Principal Directors
7Captains USN or USCG; Colonels United States Air Force, USA, or USMC; or Comparable Rank Officers of Friendly Nations; Counselors in Charge of Consulates of Foreign Powers; GS/GM-15 (Civilians)
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