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Investing in personnel development and growth drives the U.S. Transportation Command’s Human Capital Development Branch

U.S. Transportation Command’s Human Capital Development Branch team members are pictured left to right: Chris Gouveia, Linda Thrasher, Dave Breeden, Desiree Strong, Danyelle Jackson, and Christine McNulty. As part of the command’s Manpower and Personnel Directorate (TCJ1), the HCD Branch executes the command’s commitment to workforce development by providing numerous education and personal-growth opportunities annually. (USTRANSCOM photo by Rob Wieland)

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SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – Take Care of the Troops serves as one of the five U.S. Transportation Command’s priorities and a key component of this focused effort involves investing in the workforce.

An office within the command’s Manpower and Personnel Directorate (TCJ1), the Human Capital Development Branch, executes the organization’s investment in its people by providing numerous education and personal-growth opportunities annually.  For example, in Fiscal Year 2020, the HCD Branch spent – and subsequently invested – approximately one million dollars to enhance and sustain the unit’s human talent pool.

“USTRANSCOM is committed to the professional development and growth of its military and civilian personnel.  To fulfill that commitment, the HCD Branch actively engages with each member throughout their assignment here – from arrival, departure, and in-between,” said Dave Breeden, chief, HCD Branch, USTRANSCOM’s Manpower and Personnel Directorate. “Ultimately, we’re focused on developing and sustaining an innovative, highly-capable, and resilient workforce, which provides an unparalleled strategic advantage for the command.”

For the HCD Branch, the coordination and confirmation of workforce development and education opportunities occurs over a one-year in-length, five-step process. First, during the final three months of the year, all USTRANSCOM military and civilian personnel complete, with supervisor review and approval, an annual Individual Development Plan, which includes short-term (one to three years) and long-term (three to five years) career goals. Next, in January, each directorate training coordinator submits their specific requirements to the HCD Branch. 

Then, one month later, costs associated with the directorates’ developmental needs are validated, totaled, and submitted to the Program Analysis and Financial Management Directorate (TCJ8) for evaluation and processing.  In August, the HCD Branch notifies the more than 10 DTCs of their respective proposed FY human capital development budget. Finally, after the USTRANSCOM Chief of Staff’s review and concurrence, the command’s next FY human capital development budget goes into effect.

Shortly thereafter, normally in September, the HCD Branch requests vendors’ bids, reserves facilities, as well as schedules and publicizes the professional development opportunities.  During the following month, the cycle repeats itself.

“The HCD Branch actively supports every command initiative. From the get go, when an individual joins USTRANSCOM, our branch supports their professional development and growth every step of the way until they depart,” stated HCD Analyst Chris Gouveia, USTRANSCOM’s Manpower and Personnel Directorate. “I really enjoy helping my command teammates achieve professional success.”

Some of the developmental opportunities available for command member participation include three separate levels of executive leadership courses conducted at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and the Leadership Certificate Program, a one-week class held at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. USTRANSCOM personnel can register for these and other professional development programs in TANDEM.

Another education avenue for USTRANSCOM-assigned civil servants involves the U.S. Air Force’s Civilian Developmental Education program, which is open for sign up from now through March. More details on CDE can be accessed at https://www.afpc.af.mil/Force-Development/Civilian-Developmental-Education/.

For further information on personnel development and growth opportunities at USTRANSCOM, contact the HCD Branch at (618) 220-6808 or transcom.scott.tcj1.mbx.training@mail.mil.

“The HCD Branch team’s priority is enhancing the professional development and growth of each USTRANSCOM member. Their success impacts not only the command, but the security and defense of our nation,” Breeden said. “That’s an awesome responsibility and an even wiser investment.”

USTRANSCOM exists as a warfighting combatant command to project and sustain military power at a time and place of the nation’s choosing. Powered by dedicated men and women, we underwrite the lethality of the Joint Force, we advance American interests around the globe, and we provide our nation's leaders with strategic flexibility to select from multiple options, while creating multiple dilemmas for our adversaries.

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