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Base wins thousands in AMC Energy Awards

POPE AIR FORCE BASE, N.C. (USTCNS) --- Pope Air Force Base, N.C., has been declared the winner of the 1999 Air Mobility Command Energy Awards in the industrial category winning $125,000 and the runner up in the housing category winning $75,000.

This $200,000 will be used to continue energy reduction efforts at Pope AFB.

The energy awards are an annual program enabling AMC to recognize long-term and short-term energy reduction.

"Pope Air Force Base has worked diligently to meet DoD energy conservation and reduction goals and will continue to do so," said Lt. Col. John Cawthorne, 43rd Civil Engineer Squadron commander.

"We are happy with the recognition and will use it as motivation to reduce energy use even more in the upcoming year."

This is not the first time Pope AFB has been recognized for energy saving efforts. In 1997, Pope AFB was the winner in the industrial category.

The award was judged on three criteria:
Long term energy reduction, compared to fiscal 1985 baseline
Short term energy reduction, compared to the previous year
Efforts during the award year to reduce future energy consumption

The first two criteria come from data from utility bills here and are submitted via the Defense Utility Energy Reporting System directly to AMC. The third criteria takes into account energy saving efforts done by the base.

Many of the energy saving projects done here for fiscal year 1999 were due to a contract with Carolina Power and Light and their subcontractor Strategic Resource Solutions. The companies CP&L/SRS have done the following work on Pope AFB:

Installed interior lighting sensors
Replaced interior lights with lower watt lights with same foot-candle reading

Installed gas-fired infrared heaters in all hangars and nosedocks

Installed energy efficient Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning motors

Replaced electric hot water heaters with gas-fired heaters

Replaced 280 72-percent efficient furnaces in housing with 97-percent efficient furnaces

Installed night set-back thermostats in housing

Eliminated central boiler plants and inefficient distribution systems by replacing with individual high efficiency boilers

Installed Local Utility Plant in basement of CAC for two new dorms and three existing "dorms" (283, 285, and 287)

Replaced steam system in 300 series dorms with high efficiency boilers

Overall the CP&L/SRS contract has done $6.5 million in work on Pope AFB with an estimated savings of $754K a year. Not only has this saved the base energy but has also resulted in much needed infrastructure replacements.

With the CP&L/SRS contract coming to an end, the maintenance engineering section in 43rd CES is looking for new ideas and ways to save energy. However, energy conservation is the responsibility of each and every person on Pope AFB. Each individual can make a difference by helping in small ways such as:

Turning off lights when not in the room

Turning off computers each night

Closing hangar doors when heat is on, if possible


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