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USTRANSCOM commander in chief salutes Army on its 225th anniversary

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. (USTCNS) --- On June 14th the U.S. Army, the nation's oldest military organization, celebrates its 225th anniversary.

The theme of this year's celebration, "Birth of an Army, Birth of Freedom" succinctly describes the inextricable link between the inception of the Army and our nation's ability to rise to a prominence unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Through every war and contingency we have faced, in every corner of the globe, America's great soldiers have met the call of freedom. Today, soldiers are engaged in peace operations in the Balkans, continue to assist in anti-drug efforts in South America, stand vigil at the demilitarized zone on the Korean Peninsula, aid relief efforts in Africa, and stand Northern And Southern Watch in Southwest Asia. In short, if America's interest is involved, America's Army is there.

U.S. Transportation command's soldiers continue the great traditions established by the thousands of men and women who have worn the uniform with honor. You can be proud of your service and please know that I am immensely proud of each of you.

I salute our soldiers on this most special occasion. Hooah!!!

Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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