Commentary: 'Respect the sacrifices of our veterans'
That prediction was sadly misguided. In the years ahead, millions of Americans answered the call to fight wars and keep peace around the world, too often sacrificing their lives in the process.
For those who returned to our shores, the sacrifices continued. Veterans bore the physical and mental scars of combat, but many still extended their spirit of service to neighbors in need. The more than 24 million veterans with us today have emerged as leaders in government, business, education, and other areas of public life. America is much richer for their contributions.
At the dawn of a new century, Americans enjoy a period of unrivaled peace, freedom and prosperity built in no small part on the sacrifices of our veterans.
The work continues, however. Today, you -- the men and women of 15th Air Force -- have inherited our veterans' proud legacy of integrity, service and excellence. Leaving behind the comforts of home and family, you deploy across the globe in support of military and humanitarian operations. As we were reminded by the cowardly attack last month on the U.S.S. Cole, you must also selflessly accept risks and may be called on to pay the cost of freedom with your lives.
In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower -- himself a veteran -- signed legislation to formally establish Veterans Day as "a day dedicated to world peace." I salute those of you, past and present, whose military service has been dedicated to achieving that vision of peace.
America's Air Force carries forward your commitment by our ongoing efforts to modernize our force and recruit, retain and train the best people in each succeeding generation. In respect for the sacrifices of our veterans, we renew our pledge to this great nation to maintain an aerospace capability second to none. (FROM AIR MOBILITY COMMAND PUBLIC AFFAIRS).