In the 'spotlight': The 'ambassador' to Britain's MSC
But last July he moved to a more 'diplomatic role'-perhaps somewhat unfamiliar to a merchant mariner used to the high seas-that of Military Sealift Command liaison officer to the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary Force, or RFA-the equivalent of the U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command. Both organizations are the logistics arm of their respective navies.
The only American merchant mariner in a sea of British blue, Capt. Baldwin's role is unique. Foremost, he's the U.S. military's 'ambassador' to the British logistic fleet-providing a different perspective to the RFA in areas of mutual interest such as underway replenishment, communications, and manpower organization and procedures.
"I work not only with RFA personnel, but with the British Ministry of Defense and the British naval bases as well," Baldwin said.
Baldwin also serves as a member of the United Kingdom/NATO working group, specializing in replenishment-at-sea, or RAS, operations, and spent two underway periods aboard the RFA's Gold Rover, participating in the RFA's training evolution with the British Royal Navy called 'War Day.'
A 1975 graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y., Capt. Baldwin, served as Master of 12 MSC ships, including USNS Kilauea, USNS Southern Cross, USNS Water S. Diehl, USNS Yukon, USNS Spica, and mostly recently USNS Flint.
Commercially, Capt. Baldwin served aboard various cargo vessels including bulk, tanker, container, and oil drilling ships.
In 1982, he served aboard USNS Southern Cross which delivered bulk fuel to McMurdo Station in Antarctica. He also served during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, when he was Master of USNS Walter S. Diehl, earning the Merchant Marine Desert Shield/Desert Storm and Merchant Marine Expeditionary medals in 1991.
A licensed private pilot and certified scuba diver, Capt. Baldwin's hobbies include collecting antique maps and coins. He's a member of the Naval Institute, Navy League and the Council of American Master Mariners.
Born in Manila, Philippines in 1953, Capt. Baldwin lives in Portsmouth, United Kingdom. (FROM MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND - EUROPE PUBLIC AFFAIRS).