USTRANSCOM seeks clips for new command video
The design of the new videotape is to give a wide range of viewers a short, but clear overview of the command.
USTRANSCOM seeks clips depicting the diverse activities of its component commands, including Air Mobility Command, Military Sealift Command, and Military Traffic Management Command.
For best quality, send digital video or Beta formats, or very high-resolution VHS tapes. Please include a brief written description of the activity, units involved, and dates of taping (if known).
Please send the items no later than June 1, 2001.
Also include a daytime phone number and email address of a person to contact about the materials sent.
Please do not send copyrighted material.
Mail materials to:
U.S. Transportation Command
ATTN: Public Affairs (USTCPA)
508 Scott Drive
Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62225
For more information, contact USTRANSCOM public affairs at (618) 229-4828, or DSN 779-4828.