Military Sealift Command Anniversary - October 1, 2001
In the days ahead, the men and women of MSC, as they are in every crisis our country faces, will be critical to our global response operation. Indeed, MSC, led by USNS Comfort, has already set an exceptional standard of support to the rescue effort in New York in the days following the attacks on our nation. On September 20th, President George W. Bush told the nation, "I have a message for our military: Be ready," and that, undoubtedly, will require a major contribution from each of you.
No plan, in any American military operation, can hope to succeed without the superb talents of the men and women of MSC. Our military's ability to get to the fight and to sustain itself in the fight leans heavily on MSC's enthusiastic and broad-based ability to provide global support. I am confident that you are up to the challenge.
The men and women of MSC are a big part of the United States Transportation Command family. My sincerest thanks for your exceptional dedication and your many achievements. I am very, very proud of you. And, as for tomorrow, I can say it no better than President Bush, "The hour is coming when America will act, and you will make us proud." You will indeed.