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Updated MTMC pamphlets provide improved field guidance for transporters

ALEXANDRIA, Va., (USTCNS) --- A trio of key deployability references have been updated by the Military Traffic Management Command's Transportation Engineering Agency.

The updates in September are based on experiences gained from recent deployments and military exercises, said engineer Dan Nonnemacher, of the Newport News, Va., organization.

"Transportability for Better Deployability," TEA Pamphlet 70-1, is a guide to transportability intended for materiel developers, equipment designers and transporters. The pamphlet provides information on the limitations for highway, rail, marine and air transport. The new edition now includes tables on vehicle size as it relates to transportability. It also contains updated requirements on the information needed in Transportability Reports and has detailed information on many marine vessels.

"The Tiedown Handbook for Rail Movements," TEA Pamphlet 55-19, Sixth Edition, has been updated to include information on steel banding sealing tool inspection requirements, practical tips for units deploying by rail, and a comparison of the rail shock environment in North America, Europe and Korea. There are also new sections, which provide information on spanners, rail ramps and detailed information on different flatcar types. The information on blocking and wire rope tiedowns was removed since they are now rarely used for military vehicles. These deleted sections are still maintained on the agency's Web site for reference (see Fifth Edition).

"The Tiedown Handbook for Containerized Movements," TEA Pamphlet 55-23, Second Edition, was updated to provide new sections with detailed data on PLS flatracks, transporting privately owned vehicles in containers and air transport of containers. It also includes maximum dimensions for items transported in containers and more information on the lashing and lifting requirements for vehicles on flatracks.

These pamphlets, along with other Transportation Engineering Agency publications, can be accessed or ordered at www.tea.army.mil.

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