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Departing U.S. Transportation Command director advanced solutions to cyberspace challenges

U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Lyman, director, Command, Control, Communications, and Cyber Systems Directorate, TCJ6, pictured center, meets with U.S. Air Force Col. Mark Bradley, TCJ6 deputy director. Next month, he (Lyman) departs USTRANSCOM for the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, to become the Air Force’s Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Cyber Effects Operations, AF A2/A6. (Photo by Michelle Gigante, USTRANSCOM/PA)

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – Since joining U.S. Transportation Command two years ago, U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Lyman, director, Command, Control, Communications, and Cyber Systems Directorate, TCJ6, has emphasized enhancing cyberspace mission assurance.

His engaged advocacy contributed to USTRANSCOM’s Cybersecurity Service Provider team receiving the National Security Agency’s 2018 Frank B. Rowlett Trophy for Organizational Achievement last September for setting the standard – within the federal government – in securing, safeguarding, and strengthening the command’s cyber networks.

Next month, Lyman departs USTRANSCOM for the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, to become the Air Force’s Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Cyber Effects Operations, AF A2/A6.  His impact, however, will resonate in TCJ6 and the command well into the future.

For example, while also serving in a dual-hatted position as the Deputy Director for Cyberspace Operations, Operations Directorate, TCJ3, Lyman helped create the Joint Fires and Coordination Cell.  Residing within TCJ3, this cyber-focused effects team, a first for USTRANSCOM, integrates offensive and defensive effects.  In addition, under his leadership, TCJ6 initiated an Enterprise Data Environment prototype, which migrates command information, systems, and analytics into cloud-computing architecture. 

“Leading the TCJ6 team the past two years has been both a rewarding and learning experience.  For most of the two-year assignment, I’ve been focused on integrating cyber thinking into USTRANSCOM’s processes, functions, operations plans, and exercises,” said Lyman. “The command has made significant progress in this arena, particularly in incorporating cyber into exercises. We need to keep the momentum moving forward.”

As the TCJ6 director, Lyman has led the planning, integration, operations, and maintenance of USTRANSCOM’s C4 systems.  He has also held the position of the command’s chief information officer, spearheading the investment strategy for all information technology resources.  And Lyman directed USTRANSCOM’s cyber mission assurance and cyber effects efforts as the Deputy Director for Cyberspace Operations in TCJ3. 

In his endeavors to advance solutions to the command’s cyberspace challenges, he worked in tandem with USTRANSCOM’s Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Deborah Kotulich.

“Brig. Gen. Rob Lyman has done an incredible job advancing a host of initiatives that support General Lyons’ (USTRANSCOM commander) number one priority of warfighting readiness, in addition to cyber mission assurance and advanced decision support, stated Kotulich. “He has really driven his team to create capabilities that are consequential to both the operation and protection of the Joint Deployment Distribution Enterprise.”

A 27-year career airman, Lyman has completed 17 different assignments, including tours in logistics, combat communications, space operations, joint special operations, and on headquarters staffs at major command, HQ Air Force, sub-unified joint command, and joint task force-level.  He has also held command positions at the squadron, group, and wing levels.  His duty at USTRANSCOM represents one of eight joint postings he has participated in. 

“During my tenure at USTRANSCOM, I have been witness to an incredible, professional team taking on the command's toughest challenges. They have challenged our status quo, partnered with like-minded innovators across the DOD, and brought implementable solutions to bear,” Lyman said.  “It's been a privilege to be on their team.”   

USTRANSCOM exists as a warfighting combatant command to project and sustain military power at a time and place of the nation’s choosing. Powered by dedicated men and women, we underwrite the lethality of the Joint Force, we advance American interests around the globe, and we provide our nation's leaders with strategic flexibility to select from multiple options, while creating multiple dilemmas for our adversaries.


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