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Service-specific Guidance on Exceptions to Household Goods Pause Released

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – U.S. Transportation command provided Personal Property Offices an advisory on March 18, 2020, with guidance on servicing personal property shipments and advising customers on procedures to seek exception-to-policy within their respective Service.

The advisory provides the most current USTRANSCOM guidance on several aspects of implementing DOD’s stop movement orders dated March 11 and March 13, 2020, as well as service specific guidance on requesting exceptions to policy.  DOD’s stop movement orders provide commanders with the authority to approve exceptions-to-policy: the advisory ensures DOD customers—and the offices that support them—understand how to request an exception.

Household goods and unaccompanied baggage shipments worldwide that have been awarded to a transportation service provider, but have not physically begun; as well as shipments that have been submitted for processing, (often referred to as ‘being in the queue’) but not yet awarded to a transportation service provider; will be rescheduled for pickup on or after May 15, 2020, pursuant to DOD’s stop movement orders. Personal Property Offices will inform customers that no action will be taken on their shipment without a revision to the DOD stop movement order or an approved exception to policy request. Shipments for retirees and those separating from service require no exception to policy and should proceed as planned.

Deliveries of previously departed household goods, unaccompanied baggage, and non-temporary storage lots should continue as scheduled. Personal property offices should coordinate with customers to ensure that the customer is comfortable with and able to have their shipment delivered and with transportation service providers to ensure they are aware of any changes to installation access procedures.

Personally procured moves (formerly known as do-it-yourself or DITY moves) are subject to the same guidance as the household goods and unaccompanied baggage shipments conducted by transportation service providers.

Each service has tailored processes for service member and civilian customers to seek an exception from their chain of command during the stop movement period.
Army shipments in the queue should not be awarded to a transportation service provider unless a General Officer or member of the Senior Executive Service approves the shipment. Exceptions may include customers requiring shipments to be picked up due to termination of rental lease agreement, home sale, or termination of government or privatized housing in order to place the shipment into storage at origin. Individuals pending approved personal safety moves, dependents needing to vacate housing on student travel orders, retirement and separation during this period do not require an exception.

All Navy military and civilian PCS moves, with the exception of pack-outs that have already started and shipments for retirees and those separating from the Navy, are at an “All Stop” until May 11, 2020. Navy Personnel Command (PERS-4) is authorized to approve or deny Stop Movement exceptions for military PCS travel. The first Flag Officer or member of the Senior Executive Service in the chain of command of the Budget Submitting Office paying for the move is authorized to approve or deny stop movement exceptions for PCS travel for Navy civilians.

All Air Force military and civilian PCS moves, with the exception of pack-outs that have already started, shipments for retirees and those separating from the Air Force, and shipments for members with a General Officer authorized waiver to PCS due to mission requirements, are at an “All Stop” until May 11, 2020. Members who have not already started physically packing their shipment must stop movement actions unless they are authorized to continue by their Squadron Commander, First Sergeant or equivalent. Such authorization could be granted for humanitarian situations, expired leases, sale of a home among others.

Marines with shipments in the queue will be contacted by their servicing personal property office to verify if they wish to keep their existing move dates based upon unique circumstances, including but not limited to the sale of home, termination of lease or privatized housing, or if they wish to change their dates. Detaching Commander or Officer in Charge (O-5 or above) endorsement is required, documenting the member’s justification and potential risks to execute the move during stop movement period. Personal property pack outs that are already started are authorized to continue as well as all shipments for retirees or separates.

Coast Guard shipments, except for retirees or those separating from service, will only be executed during the stop movement period with an approved Exception to Policy granted by Coast Guard Headquarters in the form of a memo.

Visit move.mil to read the latest guidance for Defense Personal Property Program customers.


Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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