Job Opportunities
What is the Defense Courier Division and what do couriers do?The Defense Courier Division is a unit within USTRANSCOM that is responsible for providing secure, timely, and efficient end-to-end global distribution of classified and sensitive material for the United States and its Allies. The mandate of every courier is to support the Defense Courier Division´s day-to-day mission of executing the processing, storage, and transportation of classified material. The courier division is made up of over 180 active-duty Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen and stationed at 17 locations around the globe. |
Who can serve?Soldiers in 42A and 88M MOS, Sailors in any rate, and Airmen in any AFSC may apply for courier duty. In accordance with the service-specific tabs listed above, all applicants must be an E-5 or above, have favorable/recent evaluation ratings, no recent non-judicial punishment action, be eligible for TS/SCI clearance, be current on physical fitness, have no medical conditions that would limit on-job performance, be a U.S. Citizen, and have a valid state driver´s license. |
What are the benefits of courier duty?Courier duty offers military members the opportunity to develop and master a logistics skill that will broaden their military experience and widen their breadth of knowledge. Being assigned to a combatant command earns the member joint-tour credit and eligibility for joint-tour decorations and joint quarterly/annual awards. |
How much will I travel and what kind of duty days can I expect?Duty days will vary based on local mission requirements and required customer support at each station. Most missions are completed in one duty-day, but couriers are occasionally tasked with multi-day missions away from home station. Some courier stations have higher TDY/TAD rates than others. |
What will my daily duties be?All personnel assigned to the courier stations will be fully qualified couriers. Depending on the personnel makeup of each station, and the rank of the individual, they may also fill station leadership roles such as station chief, station superintendent, and operations NCO. In addition to couriering material, all assigned couriers have additional duties such as unit fitness leader, resource advisor, safety NCO, etc. |
Will I be deployable during my USTRANSCOM tour?Couriers are not eligible for deployments during their tour in USTRANSCOM. The mission requires that personnel are available for the courier duties they have been assigned to. |
Do you have any civilian, Guard, or reserve positions?There are no USAF Reserve IMA positions in the division. No Guard slots are available. There are seven total civilian positions that fill specific roles and are hired through the USA Jobs process. |
Where can I serve?The division has 17 stations located in the CONUS and overseas. The following list shows the service makeup of each station the standard tour lengths by location: Baltimore, Maryland (Ft Meade) |
Army personnel
Eligibility Requirements:- Must be in the grade E-5 thru E-7 and a member of the Active Component in MOS 42A or 88M only. Currently, no authorized positions exist for those soldiers assigned to the Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve.
- Must possess a valid civilian (State) driver's license for wheeled vehicles and be an experienced driver.
- TS-SCI is required for DCD assignment. Upon notification of assignment to DCD, soldier must immediately initiate a TS clearance with S2/Security Manager prior to departing old unit. Failure to do so will result in termination of assignment and/or re-assignment to another unit based on needs of the Army.
- All inquiries for positions at DCD must be coordinated through their Branch Managers at Human Resources Command, FT. Knox.
- For specific and detailed duty description and criteria, please refer to AR 614-200, Chapter 9.
- PULHES must be 111221 or better
- Must be able to reenlist to cover duration of assignment.
- Joint tour credit with opportunity to earn joint service awards/decorations.
- Stable, controlled tour with no deployments during tour.
- National/international TDY travel.
Navy personnel
Eligibility Requirements:- Open to all personnel in the any rate meeting minimum requirements listed below in the pay grades E-5 to E-8. Several opportunities exists for 1610, 744X and 644X officer designators.
- Must hold minimum Secret clearance and be eligible to obtain a final Top Secret clearance based on a current SSBI, and eligible for access to SCI prior to reporting.
- Must pass a flag screening interview wherein, you have demonstrated sufficient maturity, emotional stability and responsibility to be able to act in an independent duty capacity.
- Must have a minimum overall performance trait average of 3.0 on last 5 fitness reports/evaluations.
- Must meet Navy PRT standards and service directive for frequent aerial flight.
- Must not have NJP within the past 24 months.
- Must possess a valid civilian (State) driver's license for wheeled vehicles and be an experienced driver.
- Must be eligible to obtain a government travel card.
- Enlisted personnel must contact the special programs detailer if interested in applying. Officer personnel must contact their community manager or assignment placement branch for assignment.
- Upon receipt of orders, Navy members must contact TCJ3-C at (618)817-5828 for information on starting security clearance upgrade.
- Special Duty Assignment pay (SDAp) of $75 a month for E-7 and below, after meeting training requirements.
- Opportunity to earn joint service awards and other military decorations.
- Frequent flight/road travel and TAD opportunities.
Air Force personnel
Eligibility Requirements:- Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements IAW DAFI 36-2110 and Section C of the SPECAT PSD Guide and the DoDI 5200.33, enclosure (5), of June 30, 2011.
- SSgt – SMSgt; only grade specified in the MyVector advertisement may apply.
- Must have an overall performance assessment rating of "LC-Exceeded most, if not all expectations "or "AC-Exceeded some, but not all expectations" on last three performance reports/briefs.
- Must have excellent military bearing, appearance, and high moral standards; no UIF, Article 15, history of financial instability or other disciplinary actions within last 5 years.
- Must be a U.S. citizen.
- Must have a current U.S. Driver’s License.
- Airmen will be required to operate a wide array of material handling equipment and vehicles (including manual transmission) (varies by location).
- Must have current Air Force Physical Fitness assessment on all components IAW AFI 36-2905.Airmen must have scored 80 or above on last two fitness tests or 90 or above on most recent fitness test; no failures on any portion within the last 12 months. Additionally, application must have no current PT exemptions with the exception of those due to pregnancy and/or deployment.
- Minimum physical profile of at least 111221 with ability to lift 50 lbs. or more; must not have any condition that prevents frequent travel in vehicles or aboard aircraft.
- Security Requirements. Selected Airmen must be eligible for a Top Secret security clearance and access to sensitive compartmented information.
- Interested and eligible applicants may volunteer by clicking the volunteer button in Talent Marketplace Ads AND submitting all of the following documents in a portfolio; include the job # and location in the subject line. Send the required documents in portfolio to (use read receipt as proof of delivery/receipt). ONLY COMPLETED PACKAGES WILL BE CONSIDERED.
- a. Copies of last 3 EPRs/EPBs. If less than 3, submit all final EPRs/EPBs as of the MyVector ad close out date.
- b. Current AF FM 422 showing PULHES.
- c. Copy of valid/current state driver's license.
- d. Current MyFitness report.
- e. Signed Commander’s Recommendation Letter.
- Joint tour credit with opportunity to earn joint service awards/decorations. Stable controlled tour with no deployments during tour.
- Domestic & international TDY travel.