Army Congressional Fellowship Program - 2002
WASHINGTON, D.C. (USTCNS) --- Headquarters, Department of the Army announced the fiscal year 2002 Army Congressional Fellowship Program Wednesday.
This program is designed to educate and train selected Army officers and civilians in congressional activities, emphasizing those matters regarding the Department of Defense. The FY02 ACFP supersedes all previous congressional fellowship programs.
It will begin August 2001 and end at the conclusion of the first session of the 107th Congress (approximately Oct/Nov 2002). Selected officers and civilians begin the fellowship with a HQDA orientation from August 2001 until December 2001. Military fellows will be temporarily assigned to the Army secretariat or staff in support of the legislative affairs function.
Civilian fellows remain in their current position if it is in the geographic area. All fellows participate in the orientation, which includes a variety of meetings and seminars, educational readings, and attendance at the one-week force integration course.
After the HQDA orientation, fellows complete a classroom phase with the institution or foundation chosen as the FY02 ACFP sponsor. Fellows will then serve as staff assistants to members of Congress during the first session of the 107th Congress. Fellows are typically given responsibility for drafting legislation, arranging congressional hearings, writing speeches and floor statements, and briefing members for committee deliberations and floor debate.
Military fellows incur an active duty service obligation of not less than three times the length of the fellowship (in accordance with Army regulation 350-100, paragraph 2-8(b)).
Civilian fellows also incur a service obligation (in accordance with title 5, united states code, section 410.309 and section 4108). Immediately following the fellowship, military officers will be assigned to a position requiring expert knowledge of the operations of Congress for a two-year utilization. Civilian fellows return to their position held prior to participating in the ACFP. If you have any questions regarding the program refer to the office, chief legislative liaison web site at
The Army selection board will convene on 12 December 2000 to select fellows. Commanders and supervisors are encouraged to submit their top candidates for this prestigious opportunity. Interested individuals should follow the appropriate application guidance below:
Active duty. Eligible nominees must: hold the rank of major or lieutenant colonel; have accrued active federal commissioned service of not more than 17 years, as of 1 January 2001; be a command and staff college graduate; be branch qualified at current rank; have no adverse actions pending; meet Army height and weight requirements; not owe an Army educational requirements system obligation; and have potential for future military service.
Eligible majors and lieutenant colonels must submit the following to their career assignment officer, U.S. Total Army personnel command (PERSCOM) not later than 10 November 2000: a DA form 4187 requesting to compete, signed & approved by field grade supervisor and the active duty service obligation statement. If you have any questions, please contact Joel Strout at e-mail address stroutj@hoffman.Army.mil5.
Department of the Army civilians. Civilians general schedule (GS-13 through GS-15) must submit an application in accordance with procedures outlined in the annual catalog of Army civilian training, education and professional development opportunities found on the worldwide web at
The catalog describes program requirements and contains the application package. The fiscal year 2001 catalog is projected to be on-line by the end of the 3rd quarter, fiscal year 2000. Candidates must submit applications through their respective major command or independent reporting activity chain of command.
Applications must be addressed to office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower & Reserve Affairs), ATTN: SFCP-COA, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22332-0300 and be received no later than Monday, December 4, 2000. Questions should be addressed to ms. Vern Carter at or Ms. Kathy Flanagan at
This program is designed to educate and train selected Army officers and civilians in congressional activities, emphasizing those matters regarding the Department of Defense. The FY02 ACFP supersedes all previous congressional fellowship programs.
It will begin August 2001 and end at the conclusion of the first session of the 107th Congress (approximately Oct/Nov 2002). Selected officers and civilians begin the fellowship with a HQDA orientation from August 2001 until December 2001. Military fellows will be temporarily assigned to the Army secretariat or staff in support of the legislative affairs function.
Civilian fellows remain in their current position if it is in the geographic area. All fellows participate in the orientation, which includes a variety of meetings and seminars, educational readings, and attendance at the one-week force integration course.
After the HQDA orientation, fellows complete a classroom phase with the institution or foundation chosen as the FY02 ACFP sponsor. Fellows will then serve as staff assistants to members of Congress during the first session of the 107th Congress. Fellows are typically given responsibility for drafting legislation, arranging congressional hearings, writing speeches and floor statements, and briefing members for committee deliberations and floor debate.
Military fellows incur an active duty service obligation of not less than three times the length of the fellowship (in accordance with Army regulation 350-100, paragraph 2-8(b)).
Civilian fellows also incur a service obligation (in accordance with title 5, united states code, section 410.309 and section 4108). Immediately following the fellowship, military officers will be assigned to a position requiring expert knowledge of the operations of Congress for a two-year utilization. Civilian fellows return to their position held prior to participating in the ACFP. If you have any questions regarding the program refer to the office, chief legislative liaison web site at
The Army selection board will convene on 12 December 2000 to select fellows. Commanders and supervisors are encouraged to submit their top candidates for this prestigious opportunity. Interested individuals should follow the appropriate application guidance below:
Active duty. Eligible nominees must: hold the rank of major or lieutenant colonel; have accrued active federal commissioned service of not more than 17 years, as of 1 January 2001; be a command and staff college graduate; be branch qualified at current rank; have no adverse actions pending; meet Army height and weight requirements; not owe an Army educational requirements system obligation; and have potential for future military service.
Eligible majors and lieutenant colonels must submit the following to their career assignment officer, U.S. Total Army personnel command (PERSCOM) not later than 10 November 2000: a DA form 4187 requesting to compete, signed & approved by field grade supervisor and the active duty service obligation statement. If you have any questions, please contact Joel Strout at e-mail address stroutj@hoffman.Army.mil5.
Department of the Army civilians. Civilians general schedule (GS-13 through GS-15) must submit an application in accordance with procedures outlined in the annual catalog of Army civilian training, education and professional development opportunities found on the worldwide web at
The catalog describes program requirements and contains the application package. The fiscal year 2001 catalog is projected to be on-line by the end of the 3rd quarter, fiscal year 2000. Candidates must submit applications through their respective major command or independent reporting activity chain of command.
Applications must be addressed to office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower & Reserve Affairs), ATTN: SFCP-COA, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22332-0300 and be received no later than Monday, December 4, 2000. Questions should be addressed to ms. Vern Carter at or Ms. Kathy Flanagan at