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New contract means additional training for military and civilian transportation partners

FORT EUSTIS, Va. (USTCNS) --- Deployment Support Command personnel and their commercial transportation industry partners are receiving additional training in updates and revisions in cargo booking procedures to implement the new Universal Services Contract that goes into affect in September 1.

The goal is to give DSC and industry transporters a better understanding of the specific routes covered by new service contracts, the use of alternate ports and port arbitraries and how percentages on designated routes are to be maintained. In addition, training attendees will review contractual delivery rate applications and examine the difference between service contract movements and movements using the general provisions of the contract.

"We scheduled the training since the new contract is significantly different from previous contracts previously used by the shippers," said Len Priber, chief, International Customer Service Branch, MTMC. "The objective is to ensure customers understand the new terms in the contract for a smooth transition from the current contract in order to avoid any delays and unnecessary increase in costs."

The training is valuable because the new contract will help speed up the selection process in numerous ways and provide DSC customers even better service, according to Jim Hudgens, Chief, DSC Ocean Cargo Division. The new USC03 contract includes revisions that allow for the selection of the best value carrier as the shippers are building their export traffic release requests.

"There are a significant number of changes to the process and the training will enhance our skills and service to our customers," Hudgens said.

"The number of automated bookings will rise as shippers will be able to select the carrier they believe gives them the best value. Another feature that will benefit us is that shippers and carriers will be able to advance or roll-over the cargo," Hudgens said.

Advancing the cargo means shipping the cargo on an earlier vessel than anticipated while roll-over cargo means holding the cargo for a vessel departing later than requested, but still in time to reach the required delivery date.

"Advance and roll-over functions have been done manually for years," Hudgens exclaimed. "With the USC03 contract, the shipments can be processed through the system with the flexibility to change the sail date. That eliminates a lot of the time it takes to manually input the changes."

Hudgens said approximately 80 percentage of the contracts will fall under the USC03 contract and each contract will be oriented to each customer's requirements. Right now, there are customer service support agreements in place with some of the larger customers that require that type of special attention, (i.e. Defense Commissary Agency and the Army Air Force Exchange Service.) The new USC03 contract expands that service while providing the best value shipping for our customers.

"Our customers are always concerned when new contracts are awarded since it may require a change in carriers that they have been using for the past 18 months. There is a significant amount of coordination required to ensure the carriers are ready to support our customers. This training provides the customers with information critical for this transition," Priber said. (FROM MILITARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT COMMAND - DEPLOYMENT SUPPORT COMMAND PUBLIC AFFAIRS)

Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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