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DOD Tests Space-Available Travel Privileges for Dependents within the CONUS

(USTCNS) --- The Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Transportation Policy) has approved a one-year test to evaluate the expansion of space-available privileges for dependents traveling within the Continental United States (CONUS). The test began 1 April 2003 and will end 31 March 2004.

The test allows dependents of active duty and retired (drawing retirement pay) Uniformed Services members to travel within the CONUS when accompanied by their sponsors. Dependents will assume the same category of travel as their sponsor.

Active duty Uniformed Services members must be in a leave or pass status to register for space-available travel, remain in a leave or pass status while awaiting travel, and be in a leave or pass status the entire period of travel. Retirees may sign up 60 days in advance.

For additional information concerning space-available travel and sign-up procedures please review the Air Mobility Command public web site at http://amcpublic.scott.af.mil/Spacea/spacea.htm or contact the servicing DOD air terminal of interest.

Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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