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AMC birthday message

To the Men and Women of Air Mobility Command:

On 1 June 1992, elements of the former Military Airlift Command and Strategic Air Command combined to form Air Mobility Command. Then and now, AMC’s mission has been rapid, global mobility and sustainment for our nation’s armed forces as the hub for airlift, aeromedical evacuation and air refueling missions. No other force can match the accomplishments made every day by the men and women who are the heart and soul of this command.

AMC has made history supporting the Global War on Terrorism: the unprecedented high-altitude aerial delivery of 2.4 million humanitarian daily rations to Afghanistan; the landmark nighttime airdrop of 1,000 soldiers behind enemy lines in Northern Iraq; the aeromedical evacuation of well over 5,000 patients; the airlift of over 630,000 troops half way around the world and more than 7,300 tanker missions in our nation’s skies to fuel combat air patrols.

America’s air mobility team takes flight because of the unwavering patriotism, professionalism, innovation and dedication of all of our members, active duty, Guard, Reserve, Defense civilians and contractors. Because of you, AMC proves its mettle time and again, giving our national leaders the rapid, tailored response they need in every situation -- across the spectrum of conflict.

I am proud of you and your accomplishments every day, and I am humbled to serve you as your commander.

General, USAF

Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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