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Celebrating 30 years of our All-Volunteer Force



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ST. LOUIS, (USTCNS) --- On July 1, 1973, the All-Volunteer Force was born -- perhaps the most important transformation of the American military in the past century. Today, 30 years later, the Department of Defense commemorated this anniversary with ceremonies across the nation.

President Bush presided over a reenlistment ceremony at the White House, and enlistment ceremonies were held at 65 Military Entrance Processing Stations around the country.

Air Force, Maj. Gen. William Welser, director of operations, Headquarters, U.S. Transportation Command was the keynote speaker at the Commemorative Enlistment Ceremony here, where he also administered the Oath of Enlistment to a group of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and Coast Guard recruits.

Welser told the enlistees to be proud, and encouraged continued support from the parents and friends of the new recruits as they begin their military service.

"I am proud to serve with each of you," Welser told the group of enlistees as he reminded them that they are the future of our our armed forces.

Army Maj. Pablo Fernandez, commander, St. Louis MEPS, and host for the St. Louis All-Volunteer Force 30th Anniversary Commemorative Enlistment Ceremony joined Welser in a cake cutting ceremony just prior to friends, family and dignitaries gethering to congratulate the Service's newest troops.

Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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