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U.S. Transportation Command says “Thanks” to Civilian Employers

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SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. (USTCNS) --- Gen. John W. Handy, Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, welcomed civilian employers of USTRANSCOM reservists as part of Employer Appreciation Day, April 30, 2005.

Gen. Handy thanked the 33 employers that attended for their support of their reservist employees -- members of USTRANSCOM’s Joint Transportation Reserve Unit -- and stressed the important role the Reserves (Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, and Coast Guard) play in supporting USTRANSCOM and the Global War on Terrorism.

Reliance on the Reserves has increased dramatically since 9/11. In 2001, reservists contributed a total of 13,436 days worth of support to USTRANSCOM. By 2004, that number had risen to 34,808 days. At the end of 2004, reservists represented 22 percent of USTRANSCOM’s manpower – 55 percent including USTRANSCOM’s three component commands; Air Mobility Command, Military Sealift Command and Surface Deployment and Distribution Command.

USTRANSCOM provides air, land, and sea transportation for the Department of Defense, both in time of peace and time of war. The 219 members of the JTRU provide USTRANSCOM with the highly skilled personnel it needs from the Reserve components of all the services.

Handy described the contributions Reserves have made to USTRANSCOM and told the employers, “They are able to do this because of your commitment and support.” He added, “We could not do our jobs without you.”

“We ask a lot of employers” said Maj. Gen. Loran Schnaidt (ret.), chairman of the Missouri committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve and a speaker at the event, “and they don't get enough recognition for the sacrifices they make on behalf our Guard and Reserve members during the Global War on Terrorism. They are the unsung heroes of this war.”

The employers also heard from David Oates, Ombudsman for the Illinois ESGR. Both Oates and Schnaidt explained how their organization, ESGR, worked to improve communication and understanding between employers and reservists in order to reduce civilian job conflicts, cited as the leading reason Reserve units loose members.

In addition to remarks from Handy, Schnaidt and Oates, the employers were treated to a tour of USTRANSCOM’s operations center and lunch with their reservist employee at the base dining facility. The final event of the day was a ceremony in which the JTRU received the Joint Meritorious Unit Award.

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