AMC and DLA establish a new information interface -- improves distribution processes to support deployed forces
The new solution allows information in DLAs Distribution Standard System (DSS) to interface with the Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES) improving the information flow between CCPs and Aerial Ports of Embarkation (APOEs).
DLA and AMC are working to optimize the delivery of equipment and supplies through an initiative facilitated by the U.S. Transportation Command in its role as the DoDs Distribution Process Owner (DPO). The AMC Defense Distribution Center (DDC) Air Cargo Consolidation Integrated Process Team (IPT) was formed to re-engineer processes that have a positive effect on customer wait time, item availability, velocity, and demand on strategic transportation assets to benefit deployed forces.
An increasing number of DoD air shipments are consolidated and loaded on an air pallet (termed a 463L pallet). When the 463L pallet is ready for onward movement it is considered capped and receives a Status Code C. This new interface then allows the capped cargo to be almost immediately visible to GATES users at the aerial ports. This alerts the airmen at the APOE giving them greater visibility as well as the estimated time of arrival.
The CCP will send two additional updates through DSS to GATES. The first, when the truck destined for the aerial port is completely loaded, and a second when the truck actually departs the CCP facility.
The interface makes information available to everyone from the Air Clearance Authority to the load planner and speeds the process for aerial port cargo handlers as well as those responsible for planning the airlift missions.
Now planners here at the Tanker Airlift Control Center can see the amount of cargo inbound to the various APOEs and adjust airflow to gain efficiency and effectiveness. The airmen at the APOEs gain efficiencies because they do not have to upload data into the GATES terminals, and load planners are able to enter the planning cycle earlier.
This information interface between DSS and GATES is one of many initiatives aimed at improving the distribution system to deployed war fighters. Since being designated as the DPO in 2003, USTRANSCOM has formed partnerships with the Services, Agencies and Combatant Commands to develop efficient and effective distribution solutions to enhance strategic support to worldwide customers.
Last year, DLA and AMC initiated the Pure Pallet program. A pure pallet contains only cargo destined for a single end user. When a Pure Pallet arrives at the Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD), it can be pulled from the aircraft and immediately handed off to the customer or placed on a theater lift platform for delivery to more remote locations.
The Single Ticket initiative enforced a single process for all passenger movement across strategic and theater action agencies and eliminated redundant tasks. The visibility of troop movement was extended from the APOE all the way to the final (in theater) APOD. The result reduced force closure rates 67%, from 72 hours to under 24 hours.