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Draft document issued to obtain industry feedback – Services contract expected to increase effectiveness, efficiency

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. (USTCNS) --- The Department of Defense (DoD) has released a draft Performance Work Statement to obtain industry feedback on its effort to contract a transportation services provider. Issuance of this document marks a significant milestone for the Defense Transportation Coordination Initiative (DTCI), a Department effort to increase the efficiency of freight shipments in the continental United States.

Industry representatives and the military services will have an opportunity to review and comment on the draft Performance Work Statement, a document outlining the scope of services DoD is seeking as well as desired performance measures. Comments will be reviewed by the DTCI project management office for consideration in a final document due for release in early 2006.

The DoD effort mirrors a growing trend in industry where companies are turning to professional transportation providers to increase efficiency across their supply chain. Defense officials believe partnering with a world-class transportation services provider will increase shipment visibility, allowing for load consolidation, more use of cost efficient inter-modal solutions and improved reliability for most types of freight shipments. Certain categories of material like munitions would not be included.

The draft Performance Work Statement and associated documents are available on the DTCI public website at http://dtci.transcom.mil

Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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