USTRANSCOM Army Reserve Element wins Excellence in Safety Award
SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. (USTCNS) --- The U.S. Army Reserve will present its Commander's Excellence in Safety Award to the United States Transportation Commands (USTRANSCOM) Army Reserve Element (ARE) May 17 at Fort. McCoy, Wis. This is the second consecutive year that the USTRANSCOM unit has received the award. The award recognizes outstanding achievement in accident prevention and support of the Army Reserve Safety Program. The award will be presented to the ARE/USTRANSCOM commander, Col. David C. Goetsch and the ARE deputy safety officer during that time, Lt. Col. Robert Pranger . According to Pranger, currently serving as executive officer for USTRANSCOMs Reserve Component Director, the ARE/USTRANSCOM was considered for the award because of its strong command commitment to safety. This was evidenced in FY06 by the large number (114,160) of POV (privately owned vehicle) miles driven by unit Soldiers with no accidents, Pranger said. The ARE/USTRANSCOM was recognized as having the one of the best safety programs among the subordinate units of the U.S. Army Reserve Readiness Command. The inspection results of the January 2005 Organizational Inspection Program were outstanding in the area of safety, Pranger continued. The ARE/USTRANSCOM conducted a Warrior Task Training exercise in October 2006 and Weapons Qualification in April 2006 with no accidents. The ARE/USTRANSCOM supported numerous Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff exercises with numerous personnel during FY06 with no accidents. The U.S. Army Reserve Commander's Excellence in Safety Award is presented annually to three units in their respective category levels. The USTRANSCOM unit won the level three category award, which includes units of battalion, company or detachment size. The award is presented for outstanding achievement in accident prevention and support of the Army Reserve Safety Program.