USTRANSCOM Spouse's Day overwhelming success
"It was great to have this many TRANSCOM spouses here and we look forward to doing it again in the near future," said Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Ken Martin, USTRANSCOM first sergeant. "Everybody seems to have enjoyed it. A lot of good information was given out and we've had nothing but positive feedback."
During the three-hour event, wives learned about what it takes to run USTRANSCOM on a daily basis.
"It was really wonderful," said Teresa Vanhoose, wife of Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Vanhoose, of the Strategy, Policy, Programs and Logistics Directorate. "It definitely gave me a new insight into what my husband does, and the whole purpose of TRANSCOM.
"It was nice to see the facilities," Vanhoose continued. "He talks so much about it at home and about what he does. It was nice to actually see what goes on day to day. I guess I didn't realize how far out into the community and the world that it actually affects."
While this was not the first spouse's day at USTRANSCOM, it has been a few years since such an even was held.
"I was told it's the first time this has been done in over three years," said Chief Master Sgt. Kenneth McQuistion, USTRANSCOM senior enlisted advisor. "This is just another way for us to help our families even more. It's exciting. I think it's been an overwhelming success.
"We're glad we had the opportunity to do this," McQuiston added. "We'll be interested to read the critiques to see how we can make it even better in the future."