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Fraser announces new USTRANSCOM motto: Together, we deliver.

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – Today, Air Force Gen. William M. Fraser, commander of U.S. Transportation Command, announced he is launching a new branding campaign and motto: Together, we deliver. The initiative, debuting after six months of internal planning, includes the new motto and a redesigned website.

“This is a comprehensive campaign to change the way we communicate,” said Fraser. “We want to clearly and consistently convey what USTRANSCOM does and how we do it. And the new motto, 'Together, we deliver.' helps us do just that.”

Planning for the branding initiative began early last year after the command’s annual stakeholder survey. The results revealed the command’s partners and customers believe USTRANSCOM needs to more clearly communicate its mission and how the mission is accomplished.

“This campaign is in direct response to the survey feedback,” said Fraser. “We want our partners and customers to know we listen and respond.”

To consolidate information sources, the command already eliminated two publications, “The DPO Update” and “The Transporter.” The command also redesigned its website at www.transcom.mil, establishing it as the command’s single news source.

“Now, all our news is located in a one-stop shop, our website,” said Fraser. “There, readers can find the latest stories, vote and leave comments. They can also track updates to our Facebook and Twitter feeds as well as view command photos.”

USTRANSCOM is the Department of Defense command that delivers U.S. forces, their equipment and supplies where they are needed; sustains those forces during the mission, evacuates them if wounded and brings them home when their mission is accomplished. Together with government and commercial partners, USTRANSCOM delivers.



Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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