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Gainey calls for culture change amid concern of coming budget cuts

"We need to seek additional efficiencies. We need to think different," said U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Kathleen Gainey in remarks on Thursday before the St. Louis chapter of the National Defense Transportation Association.

BELLEVILLE, Ill. – "We need to seek additional efficiencies. We need to think different," said U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Kathleen Gainey, deputy commander of the U.S. Transportation Command. "We need to look at our business totally differently than we look at it today."

In remarks on Thursday before the St. Louis chapter of the National Defense Transportation Association, Gainey spoke at length about coming expected reductions in the federal defense budget. Specifically, she spoke of the need for culture change: she called on both the government and industry partners to do more with less.  "What are our policies and practices that prohibit us from being a quality provider and providing world-class service to the person on the other end of the phone?" said Gainey. "That's part of the culture change."

Gainey said that while USTRANSCOM relies on its "fifth component, industry partners" to deliver for the warfighter, the command is changing the way it measures contractor success.  Gainey specifically highlighted including airplane fuel efficiency during the selection of air contracts and using customer satisfaction surveys to determine which personal property relocation companies to hire.  "How do we treat individuals like they are our customer?" said Gainey. "Part of that is a culture change."

"We want to be the one that you're proud to be associated with," said Gainey.


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