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Department senior leaders endorse way ahead for Global Campaign Plan for Distribution

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Last week, Army Lt. Gen. Kathleen M. Gainey, deputy commander, U.S. Transportation Command, presented “In-Process Review – Alpha” for the Global Campaign Plan for Distribution to senior Department of Defense leaders. The purpose of the brief was to receive official approval of a mission statement and commander’s intent, and therefore, higher headquarter guidance for the plan.

The GCP-D is the DOD plan to, over time, preserve and enhance the global distribution network and its ability to support theater plans and operations. The GDN is the physical means, processes, people and systems required for the movement of materiel and forces from point of origin to point of employment.

The most recent Unified Command Plan named the commander, USTRANSCOM, the DOD global distribution synchronizer, and the command has worked with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, combatant commands, services and government partners during the “mission analysis” or initial phase of the planning process.

“Currently, distribution is handled in an ad-hoc manner,” said Air Force Maj. Gen. Samuel D. Cox, director, USTRANSCOM strategy, policy, programs and logistics (TCJ5/4). “We’re doing this so it’s done in a different way down the road. The purpose of the GCP-D is to influence particular areas — capabilities, relationships, access and infrastructure — to set conditions for the GDN and synchronize distribution planning and activities that support theater missions.”

IPR-A was a vector check with Joint Staff and OSD. Gainey briefed IPR-A to Vice Adm. William E. Gortney, director, Joint Staff, Dr. James M. Miller Jr., acting under secretary of defense and principal deputy under secretary of defense for policy and members of the global distribution synchronization community via a secure video conference on April 18.

Covered in IPR-A were the strategic environment, problem statement, guidance, tasks, assumptions, risks, mission statement and USTRANSCOM’s commander’s intent.

“The feedback we received indicates everyone is on board and understands the general idea,” said Cox. “The brief went well because of the collaboration the joint planning and global planning teams have done up to this point, ensuring we are working with all players in the enterprise. But it’s going to get harder.”

The next phase of the planning process is concept development, which outlines lines of effort and where programs align to them, objectives, assessment methodology, baseline assessment and planning scenarios. A collaborative event is scheduled for next month to begin discussion and refinement of the GCP-D operational concept. The next IPR is scheduled for September.

“The team’s work up to this point lays a solid foundation to capture the multitude of distribution process improvements driven by USTRANSCOM with our national and commercial partners which have effectively supported our nation at war for over a decade,” commented Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Robert Ruark, director, U.S. Central Command logistics and engineering, following IPR-A. “We look forward to continued participation as GCP-D transitions to the most critical planning phase, campaign design, where the planners will operationalize the essential tasks approved during IPR-A.”

For more information, contact Air Force Col Jean Mahan, deputy division chief, plans and capabilities division, TCJ5/4.


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