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Reservist also supports servicemembers through civilian work

Deborah D. Crumity, like a number of government civilians working at TRANSCOM, comes from an active duty military background and is currently a member of the reserves.

Deborah D. Crumity, like a number of government civilians working at U.S. Transportation Command, comes from an active duty military background and is currently a member of the reserves. Having worked for the Department of Defense in one capacity or another since 1989, finding a related role was her goal once her active Navy service ended.

“Working in a civilian capacity allows me to see how the other half of the DOD workforce supports the warfighter,” says Crumity. “It is absolutely amazing how we all have such important roles. It all comes together!”

Crumity works as a procurement analyst with the USTRANSCOM office of small business programs. In that capacity, she attends outreach events, conducts meetings and communicates the TRANSCOM mission, all in an effort to “attract the right company at the right time to best support the warfighter.”

Crumity collaborates with small businesses on a day-to-day basis about TRANSCOM’s forecasted procurements. Additionally, she assists vendors with submitting capability briefs and innovative solutions or ideas that support USTRANSCOM’s mission. She says the existence of the OSBP itself is the most important piece of information small businesses need to know. “Our office ensures the small business community has an opportunity to a fair portion of contract awards. We cannot guarantee a contract, but we are here to support small business interest in TRANSCOM.”

The highlight of the job, according to Crumity, is interacting with “so many people of different walks of life; but, most importantly, making a difference to assist the warfighter.”

One initiative on the horizon for the OSBP is the implementation of the Transportation & Technology Liaison Office. TTILO will communicate industry’s capabilities to program executive offices, subject matter experts, acquisition buying activity and other interested parties within the command. This office will conduct a high level screening of industry’s submission(s) to determine the appropriate path of relevancy to USTRANSCOM mission (especially in terms of contract opportunities) and merit in terms of innovativeness relative to USTRANSCOM products or services and their development. TTILO support will be available to large and small business via USTRANSCOM public page.

With TRANSCOM for 10 years, Crumity achieved her career highlight while here: simultaneous promotions to chief in the Navy reserves and in her civilian role. Additionally, she completed her MBA program while working full-time and maintaining reserve status.

Crumity was born in Vicksburg, Miss, and currently resides in Belleville, Ill. She enjoys volunteering for community organizations and works as a basic life support instructor and sexual assault advocate. She also runs, reads and supports “the love of her life.”


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