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USTRANSCOM welcomes NATO forum

Rear Adm. William A. Brown, director, U.S. Transportation Command Strategy, Policy, Programs and Logistics, welcomed members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Movement and Transportation forum Nov. 7 to USTRANSCOM and Scott Air Force Base.

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – Rear Adm. William A. Brown, director, U.S. Transportation Command Strategy, Policy, Programs and Logistics, welcomed members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Movement and Transportation forum Nov. 7 to USTRANSCOM and Scott Air Force Base.

Lt. Col. Paul G. Young, a Royal Canadian Air Force exchange officer at USTRANSCOM, helped arranged the forum.

“The NATO Bi-lateral Strategic Command Movement and Transportation Forum is a doctrine and capabilities development focused activity that meets twice per year at alternating NATO country locations to work M&T doctrine and capabilities development issues,” Young said, “It is attended by approximately 40 mid-level military/defense officials from various NATO headquarters and member countries.”

According to Young, the event, held at the Global Reach Planning Center Nov. 6-8, was co-chaired by Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, Norfolk, Va., and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Mons, Belgium.  Personnel from USTRANSCOM, Joint Distribution Planning and Analysis Center and Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command participated.

“The major theme for the fall 2012 forum was multi-nationality with focus on NATO redeployment doctrine, NATO hub and spoke concept, and theater opening capability. 

"Overall, the forum was a resounding success,” Young said.  “Participants commented on how beneficial it was to have USTRANSCOM subject matter expert participation within their specific working groups.”

In his closing remarks, forum co-chair Col. Johannes Trouw, HQ Supreme Allied Command Transformation, echoed Rear Adm. Brown's welcome comments by calling for continued engagement and collaboration between NATO and USTRANSCOM staffs on issues of common interests.


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