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USTRANSCOM commander addresses Saint Louis University group

Gen. William M. Fraser III, commander, U.S. Transportation Command, was the guest speaker Nov. 15 for the Saint Louis University Distinguished Speaker Series.

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – Gen. William M. Fraser III, commander, U.S. Transportation Command, was the guest speaker Nov. 15 for the Saint Louis University Distinguished Speaker Series.

The event was presented by the Center for Supply Chain Management, John Cook School of Business, Saint Louis University and the Scott Air Force Base/St. Louis Chapter of the National Defense Transportation Association.

Fraser addressed the guests in the packed Xavier Ballroom of St. Francis Xavier College Church on USTRANSCOM’s strategic challenges and opportunities and stressed the importance of the people of the command, its components and commercial partners.

“The command is comprised of over 150,000 professionals, a total force, active duty, Guard, Reserves and civilians making things happen on a day-to-day basis,” Fraser said.  “It really is about the people, and not about the things, and how we get the job done.

“Because if it wasn’t for the people then we would not be able to do what we do,” Fraser continued.  “It’s the way we trust our people, the way we empower our people, and the innovative ideas they bring to the table that makes us who we are and gives us the capability to respond.”

Fraser said that is how the command is able to accomplish 900 sorties on any given day. “That’s a take-off and a landing every 90 seconds, in some part of the world,” he said.

Fraser continued his 35-minute talk on USTRANSCOM’s current and future operation and cost-saving methods.

“We don’t know what the future holds,” Fraser said, “but we’re going to put ourselves on the right track. It is an honor and a privilege to be out there doing the things that we’re doing.”

About the response to Hurricane Sandy Fraser said,  “When that happened we were watching, we understood.  We knew there’d be mission requirements.  We were able to lean forward and make sure that we were prepared.  When the call came we were able to move a lot of the equipment and a lot of the passengers.

“So we’re always watching, we’re always planning," Fraser added, "and making sure, because it is about the people.”

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