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Former commander meets with members of USTRANSCOM

Retired Air Force Gen. Duncan McNabb, former commander, U.S. Transportation Command, addresses members of USTRANSCOM and its component commands Feb. 9 in the Seay Auditorium. Photo by Bob Fehringer, USTRANSCOM/PA

Retired Air Force Gen. Duncan McNabb, former commander, U.S. Transportation Command, addressed members of USTRANSCOM and its component commands Feb. 9 in the Seay Auditorium.

McNabb was the third guest in USTRANSCOM's 30-4-30 Distinguished Speaker Series, an initiative to celebrate the command's 30th anniversary in October 2017. Air Force Gen. Darren McDew, USTRANSCOM commander, has invited 30 four-star general officer, flag officer and equivalent strategic senior leaders to speak about how they view the globe, linkages between USTRANSCOM's and the leader's organization, and a vision for USTRANSCOM partnerships.

During his visit, McNabb also had an office call with Army Lt. Gen. Stephen R. Lyons, USTRANSCOM deputy commander, and received a mission briefing. 

McNabb assumed the duties of the USTRANSCOM commander on Sept. 5, 2008. Prior to this, he served as vice chief of staff, headquarters, U.S. Air Force. Other flag assignments include commander of Air Mobility Command and director of logistics, joint staff, at the Pentagon.

During his time as USTRANSCOM commander, McNabb guided the combatant command through Haitian earthquake relief operations, Pakistani flood relief operations, 2011’s “Arab Spring” and provided crucial relief following a massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan. In addition, he directed the delivery of 4,197 mine-resistant/ambush protected all-terrain vehicles to the fight in Afghanistan, which resulted in a $483 million cost avoidance while ensuring the timely delivery of these life-saving vehicles.

Under McNabb’s leadership, USTRANSCOM garnered several noteworthy awards, including the Joint Meritorious Unit Award – the only unit award then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates personally issued in his eight-plus years as Secretary.

Earlier in his career during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, McNabb commanded the 41st Military Airlift Squadron, which earned Military Airlift Command's Airlift Squadron of the Year in 1990. Later, he served as commander of the 62nd Airlift Wing, which earned the Riverside Trophy as the 15th Air Force’s outstanding wing in 1996.

McNabb commanded six units and served extensively in planning, programming and logistical duties during staff assignments. He amassed more than 5,400 flying hours in transport and rotary wing aircraft.

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