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Deputy Secretary of Defense visits USTRANSCOM

The Honorable Bob Work, deputy secretary of Defense, spoke to members of U.S. Transportation Command and its component commands May 15 in the Seay Auditorium.

 Work was the eighth guest in USTRANSCOM's 30-4-30 Distinguished Speaker Series, an initiative to celebrate the command's 30th anniversary in October 2017. Air Force Gen. Darren W. McDew, USTRANSCOM commander, has invited 30 four-star general officer, flag officer and equivalent strategic senior leaders to speak about how they view the globe, linkages between USTRANSCOM's and the leader's organization, and a vision for USTRANSCOM partnerships.                                            

While here, he also had an office call with McDew and participated in a strategic roundtable with command senior leaders, and spoke with members of USTRANSCOM where took questions. 

He noted, "what separates great powers from super powers is USTRANSCOM." He went on to say "USTRANSCOM is central to the United States geo-strategic position in the world and essential to our National Security Strategy."                                          

In a speech that focused on military leaders being able to plan for a boost in Defense spending or sequestration, Work eluded to the latter's impact on readiness, stating "this is a time of enormous strategic change!"                                           

Work was confirmed as the 32nd deputy secretary of Defense on April 30, 2014.

His military and civilian awards include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal and the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Award.

Office of Public Affairs - transcom-pa@mail.mil
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