- Required for civilian facilities only to include VA facilities
- For ground transportation at the originating facility to the airport
- For ground transportation to the destination
- For treatment at the destination facility
- Tricare authorizations and information regarding ground transportation must be provided to the TPMRCs
Patient Movement
TRANSCOM Patient Movements Requirement Center (TPMRC)
The TPMRCs serve as a single manager for global patient movement. TPMRCs provide clinical validation, medical regulating (matching patients to beds), and coordinates patient movement requirements by air-lift in the most efficient means possible.
There are three TPMRCs that serve specific regions of the globe:
Primary populations served:
- Active Duty Service Members
- Active Duty Family Members
- Activated Reserve/National Guard Members
- Mil Air AE: 62 linear inches (length plus width plus height) or 70lbs for each piece (140 total for two pieces of checked baggage)
- Civilian Air Ambulance: 30lbs per person
- One NMA is authorized per patient at the discretion of the Validating Flight Surgeon
- An NMA is required for patients who are minors
- Anything beyond one NMA requires an ETP letter
Only Reserve and Guard members on active orders are authorized to fly - these orders must be provided to the TPMRC