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Frequently Asked Questions

SAAM Flight

  1. Are SAAMs strictly AMC aircraft or can they be commercial? They can also be CRAF commercial charter missions for cargo or passengers.
  2. How do you apply for a SAAM? Submit request via SAAM Request System (SRS) to Service validator.
  3. Are SAAM flight requests for passengers and/or cargo? Yes
  4. Are SAAM flights just for DoD cargo or passengers? No. They can be for Non-DoD, Non US Gov't, FMS, Military Assistance Programs, and US Government.
  5. How many passengers can be transported? Under 100 passengers would go validated air Channel if available or commercial (ticket program), e.g. Delta. One hundred (100) or more passengers can charter a flight and carry as many passengers as aircraft can seat (depending on baggage weight factor).
  6. Are there any baggage limits? Yes, check with passenger service operations at the AMC aerial port or TMO for baggage allowances and restrictions. Excess baggage may be authorized in certain circumstances.
  7. Who and what establishes the priority of the requested flights? The validators determine the priority by using government provided Regulations such as CJCSI 4120.02 A - Assignment of Movement Priority. Appendix A of JP 4-01 Joint Staff will assist if needed to mediate. DTR, Appendix 1 for passengers/Cargo.
  8. Why are priorities established? The effective use of DoD transportation resources to move passengers and cargo requires the establishment of transportation priorities. These assigned transportation priorities enable logistic managers to determine mode and sequence of movement in meeting both peacetime and wartime requirements.
  9. Does the customer have to pay for the movement? Generally, yes. Although there are exceptions, SAAM customers are usually required to pay for the SAAM.
  10. Are round trips available and if so does the requester have to request it? Yes – normally put in SAAM request. Charge for SAAMs cover round trip expenses and sometimes the positioning and de-positioning fees associated with moving the aircraft to a specific location away from the craft's home base. (A SAAM request specifies departure)
  11. Are there any restrictions as to what type of cargo is eligible to be transported via a SAAM flight? Usually not, but there are exceptions.
  12. Can hazardous material be transported by a SAAM? Yes, if identified and certified.
  13. Are there any limitations to the dimensions of the cargo? Size of available aircraft will dictate.
  14. Is there any weight limit on cargo? No, but aircraft size may dictate. Multiple aircraft can be assigned to support a single SAAM request. Sometimes the characteristics of the cargo (e.g. size, weight, hazards) preclude air shipment. In these cases, the cargo is diverted to a surface mode of transportation.
  15. Who pays for the pallets and/or packaging if required to move cargo? The requester can request pallets for the aircraft. Check with the individual Aerial port for details and costs.
  16. How much cargo can be transported? Planners/validators work with requester on amount of cargo/passengers and size and number of aircraft needed to fulfill request?
  17. Are SAAM flights available for CONUS and/or OCONUS destinations? SAAMs are usually to OCONUS locations. Flights can return to CONUS with passengers/cargo. A SAAM using a Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) commercial flight can be used if just passengers are being transported and no cargo. Otherwise it will interfere with CRAF requirements/contracting regulations. Commercial Operational Integrated System (COINS) and Groups Operational Passengers System (GO/PAX) are software systems that helps to facilitate the process of acquiring a SAAM flight.
  18. Are there restrictions on when the requester can travel? No, the requester determines the date and time when submitting the SAAM request.
  19. What is the Latest Arrival Date (LAD), the validator has to work with on the movement date? The LAD window time is determined by the requester working with and through a validator.
  20. Are SAAMs flights on scheduled departures and arrivals? Yes, TACC will coordinate with the requestor for the details.
  21. Can you use SAAMs at any time? You can request them at any time but depending on priorities at the time the SAAM request may not be approved for a particular date/time.
  22. Is there a minimum time to request a SAAM? Yes. Usually no sooner that 96 hours out. There is a discounted rate if the request is 30 or more days out.
  23. How much lead time is required? The further out for the flight date the better for TACC to work the request.
  24. Are SAAMs requests always open? AMC's TACC personnel will work with requestor on Latest Arrival Date.
  25. Are return flights available? Yes
  26. How does requester request to use SAAM airlift? Work thru a DoD Service validator or AF validator at Pentagon?
  27. Who arranges for cargo to get to the APOE for flight? Requestor/Service validator.
  28. Who arranges for the cargo to get picked up at the APOD? Requestor/Service validator.
  29. Can you use a Channel flight in conjunction with a SAAM? Yes.
  30. Does anyone sign for the cargo? Yes, the aerial port/base (APOE) manager when the cargo arrives at the port, the loadmaster when cargo is put on the plane, and the aerial port/base manager at the APOD when the cargo arrives there.
  31. Can an escort accompany the shipment of just cargo? Yes, the requestor can request passengers to accompany the shipment.
  32. What if any is the costs involved for the requester? The cost of the SAAM includes positioning and de-positioning and port to port.
  33. How is customs or inspections handled for passengers and cargo? The flight crew usually handles the aircraft clearance, manifest and cargo inspection. The AMC planning shop will coordinate these actions.
  34. Who arranges the diplomatic clearances? The Diplomatic Clearance shop at HQ AMC TACC will coordinate for all of the diplomatic clearances for the SAAM.
  35. Is there a way to track SAAM shipments? No, only the plane (SAAM #) can be tracked not the specific cargo on the SAAM.
  36. What are other references for additional SAAM information?
    • For additional criteria for establishing SAAM priorities: JCS Pub 15, Mobility System Policies, procedures and Considerations and Appendix B of the DTR 4500-9R Part 2.
    • For submission of SAAM priorities and request: Appendix B and Appendix C. See Appendix K for listing of SAAM validators grouped under unified commands and/or Services.
    • Government personnel who can access the Single Mobility Source (SMS) Wizard can calculate a rough estimate of what a specific type of aircraft for a SAMM request would cost the requester. Validators at USTRANSCOM, USAFE, CENTCOM, NORTHCOM, & EUCOM can also access SMS.
    • For additional SAAM information: Chapters 1, 2, 3 and article #1 of DTR 4500.9

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