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2003 News Archive (144)

New 'knowledge wall' will greatly enhance decision-making

U.S. Transportation Command decision-makers will soon have a much better tool to use in the Joint Mobility Operations Center.
Published: Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Article Views: 2366      Release #: 031223-1

Agile Transportation for the 21st Century to Improve Troop, Supply Movement

USTRANSCOM studied commercial partners and how they embraced supply chain management and distribution execution technologies.
Published: Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Article Views: 2387      Release #: 031223-2

Gathering of logisticians is milestone in streamlining DOD's distribution system

Logisticians from throughout the services and DOD agencies met here Dec. 11, for the first time as the Distribution Transformation Task Force.
Published: Monday, December 22, 2003
Article Views: 2728      Release #: 031211-2

USTRANSCOM recognizes crew of USNS Watkins

The USNS Watkins has made eight voyages to Southwest Asia in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Published: Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Article Views: 2431      Release #: 031217-1

ILOC program benefits U.S., Canadian forces

The purpose of the ILOC is to ensure the transportation, movement and medical support of the Armed Forces of Canada and the U.S. for the deployment, sustainment, medical evacuation, and redeployment of their forces anywhere in the world.'
Published: Monday, December 15, 2003
Article Views: 2438      Release #: 031215-1

USTRANSCOM to deploy expertise - 1st step in synchronizing distribution pipeline set for mid-January

The establishment and deployment of the DDOC is one of the first actions resulting from the Secretary of Defense's order designating USTRANSCOM as DOD Distribution Process Owner.
Published: Monday, December 15, 2003
Article Views: 2517      Release #: 031215-2

TransViz enables real time decision-making

Transportation Visibility - or TransViz - is being fielded as part of USTRANSCOM's Agile Transportation for the 21st Century Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration.
Published: Monday, December 15, 2003
Article Views: 2777      Release #: 031215-3

'Tis the season' - U.S. Transportation Command focused on North Pole studies

Here, at the combatant command responsible for managing the Defense Transportation System 'tis the season' for one more shot at trying to discover Santa's secrets...
Published: Friday, December 12, 2003
Article Views: 2662      Release #: 031210-1

TRANSCOM Commander Addresses Supply Chain Problems

Gen. Handy jokingly told conferees that U.S. Transportation Command has been referred to as the "U.S. Transformation Command" because of all the changes that are taking place in the way the command does business.
Published: Thursday, December 11, 2003
Article Views: 2419      Release #: 031211-1

Armed Forces reach milestone - one million moved

According to 2000 census data, this is like moving every man, woman and child in the state of Montana more than 7,000 miles.
Published: Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Article Views: 2400      Release #: 031208-1

Air Mobility Command names security forces award winners

Lt. Gen. John R. Baker, vice commander, Air Mobility Command, has announced the 2003 AMC Security Forces Individual Award winners.
Published: Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Article Views: 2720      Release #: 031209-1

U.S. Coast Guard selects new Atlantic Area Reserve Command Master Chief from the ranks of U.S. Transportation Command

Master Chief Dennis Kirk works full-time here in USTRANSCOM's Force Protection Directorate.
Published: Monday, December 08, 2003
Article Views: 2556      Release #: 031208-2

General Welser assumes command of 18th Air Force

In the ceremony, officiated by Gen. John W. Handy, commander U.S. Transportation Command and Air Mobility Command, General Welser was also promoted to Lt. Gen.
Published: Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Article Views: 2458      Release #: 031202-1

USTRANSCOM is DOD's Distribution Process Owner - why, and what does it mean?

The influence USTRANSCOM now has on DOD logistics, specifically distribution of resources, is greatly expanded.
Published: Monday, December 01, 2003
Article Views: 2457      Release #: 031124-1

Stryker deployment proves versatility and benefits of early collaboration - air, land and sea

U.S. Transportation Command completed the strategic deployment of the Army's first Stryker Brigade Combat Team for operations in Iraq.
Published: Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Article Views: 2524      Release #: 031120-1

United Seamen's Service honors MTMC's work

MTMC has received the organization's special USS Admiral of the Ocean Sea award for its maritime operations supporting military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Published: Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Article Views: 2527      Release #: 031125-1

MTMC honors excellence in traffic management

Patricia Martinez, unit movement coordinator, Director of Logistics, was presented the award, which is sponsored by the Military Traffic Management Command.
Published: Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Article Views: 2428      Release #: 031118-1

Updated MTMC pamphlets provide improved field guidance for transporters

A trio of key deployability references have been updated by the Military Traffic Management Command's Transportation Engineering Agency.
Published: Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Article Views: 3053      Release #: 031118-2

Navy ships transport Army's Stryker Brigade vehicles to Persian Gulf

Strykers and all of their associated gear departed aboard the U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command ships in mid-October.
Published: Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Article Views: 2532      Release #: 031118-3

USTRANSCOM Receives "2003 Salute to Southwestern Illinois" Award

The Leadership Council of Southwestern Illinois (LCSI) presented one of its two "2003 Salute to Southwestern Illinois" awards to USTRANSCOM, Nov. 13th.
Published: Monday, November 17, 2003
Article Views: 2542      Release #: 031117-1

USTRANSCOM commander formally thanks 104 commercial transportation partners

Gen. John Handy, commander, U.S. Transportation Command, awarded a USTRANSCOM Certificate of Appreciation to 104 commercial transportation partners for their service to the U.S. Armed Forces in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
Published: Thursday, November 13, 2003
Article Views: 2568      Release #: 031113-1

MTMC moves first commercially booked cargo via an Iraqi port

The shipment Sept. 27 handled by MTMC's 831st Transportation Battalion was actually a test to validate the use of the port and at the same time to reduce the supply lines for deployed U.S. forces.
Published: Thursday, November 13, 2003
Article Views: 2494      Release #: 031113-2

Compromise reached regarding tanker lease initiative

Air Force officials announced Nov. 6 a compromise agreement regarding the KC-767A tanker lease initiative.
Published: Thursday, November 13, 2003
Article Views: 2535      Release #: 031113-3

USTRANSCOM gets ready to expand its horizon

"Like all transformations," said Maj. Gen. Dail, "it's always a challenge when you're trying to transform while executing your current mission, and that current mission is awesome."
Published: Thursday, November 13, 2003
Article Views: 2431      Release #: 031113-4

General Handy lauds mobility team, addresses issues at ATA convention

In addition to praising the mobility air forces, the general also broached current challenges the command is facing, including the need to replace the "tired iron" that exists today.
Published: Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Article Views: 2506      Release #: 031105-1

Navy's First Warfare-Qualified Woman promoted to Admiral

Rear Adm. Loewer is the vice commander of the Navy's Military Sealift Command, headquartered in Washington, D.C.
Published: Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Article Views: 2560      Release #: 031105-2

President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops visits USTRANSCOM

Bishop Gregory, of Belleville, met with leaders and toured USTRANSCOM during a visit to Scott AFB.
Published: Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Article Views: 2494      Release #: 031029-1

DPO Success Requires Best Ideas of Corporate, Academic Communities - Goal is Visibility for Suppliers, Manufacturers, DOD Customers

Managing a new Department of Defense supply chain will require the cooperation and best ideas of corporate and academic America, according to General John Handy, commander, U.S. Transportation Command.
Published: Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Article Views: 2468      Release #: 031029-2

Eight military C-130s join fight against California fires

The Department of Defense has eight fixed-wing planes, and associated crews, specially outfitted and trained for fighting fires - all eight have deployed to assist firefighters in California.
Published: Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Article Views: 2486      Release #: 031028-1

Partnerships key to supply management efficiencies

Achieving newly directed efficiencies in Department of Defense distribution management will build on existing industry-defense partnerships.
Published: Monday, October 27, 2003
Article Views: 2566      Release #: 031027-1

MTMC transporters recognized for heroism

The four non-commissioned officers provided immediate first aid to the injured Marines and summoned emergency first aid assistance.
Published: Monday, October 27, 2003
Article Views: 2485      Release #: 031027-2

AMC takes first in three Defender Challenge events

Defender Challenge annually pits "the best of the best" defenders in head-to-head team competition in the craft and tools of their trade -- weapons and tactics.
Published: Thursday, October 23, 2003
Article Views: 2512      Release #: 031023-1

UK's Deputy to the Chief of Defence Staff visits USTRANSCOM

Air Chief Marshal Sir Anthony Bagnall met with leaders and toured the Joint Mobility Operations Center.
Published: Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Article Views: 2473      Release #: 031022-1

USTRANSCOM's Joint Deployment Training Center breaks ground for new facility

Once completed the new facility will establish JDTC as the Department of Defense's "Center of Excellence" for the education and training of deployment applications.
Published: Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Article Views: 2610      Release #: 031022-2

Military Traffic Management Command inaugurates use of newest Strategic Port

Strategic Seaports are maritime installations designated to potentially support DOD cargo shipments in support of contingencies.
Published: Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Article Views: 2629      Release #: 031022-3

AMC Museum reopens doors to public

The Air Mobility Command Museum reopened its doors to the public for the first time since the Sept. 11, 2001.
Published: Monday, October 20, 2003
Article Views: 2519      Release #: 031020-1

USTRANSCOM's sailors celebrate 228 years

The command's Seay Auditorium was transformed into a quarter-deck of a U.S. Navy ship. . .
Published: Friday, October 17, 2003
Article Views: 2497      Release #: 031017-1

MTMC's new Deputy Commanding General/Director of Operations begins work

Brig. Gen. Mark E. Scheid pinned on the star of a General Officer today in a ceremony at the MTMC Operations Center at Fort Eustis.
Published: Friday, October 17, 2003
Article Views: 2570      Release #: 031017-2

Focused support to the warfighter captured in Major Army Command name change….

The name change follows closely on the heels of the U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) being designated as the Defense Department's Joint Distribution Process Owner.
Published: Friday, October 17, 2003
Article Views: 2480      Release #: 031017-3

MTMC, MSC ships Fort Lewis Stryker unit for duty in Iraq

Loading of the Fort Lewis-based Stryker Brigade Combat Team began Oct. 9 at the port of Tacoma, Wash.
Published: Friday, October 10, 2003
Article Views: 2523      Release #: 031010-1

New distribution system will provide single source for answers

In September the Secretary of Defense appointed USTRANSCOM as Distribution Process Owner (DPO) to consolidate authority under one entity and realize logistics efficiencies.
Published: Friday, October 10, 2003
Article Views: 2513      Release #: 031010-2

A Guardsman looks back on command of Joint Reserve Unit

Brig. Gen. Robert P. Meyer, ended his tenure as Commander of U.S. Transportation Command's Joint Transportation Reserve Unit in a ceremony on October 4, and looked back on an assignment marked by several "firsts".
Published: Thursday, October 09, 2003
Article Views: 2496      Release #: 031009-1-1

AMC senior officer nomination and assignments

Maj. Gen. William Welser III nominated for third star, and command of 18th Air Force.
Published: Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Article Views: 2491      Release #: 031008-1

USTRANSCOM civilian recognized for excellence in DoD information technology

The U.S. Transportation Command’s, Mr. Frank Barncord was recognized as a finalist in the 2003 Department of Defense Chief Information officer (DOD CIO) Awards.
Published: Monday, October 06, 2003
Article Views: 2498      Release #: 031006-1

MTMC Deputy Commanding General/Director of Operations retires after 30-year Army career

Brig. Gen. Barbara Doornink retired in a ceremony Sept. 30, in Springfield, Va., ending a 30-year military career.
Published: Friday, October 03, 2003
Article Views: 2513      Release #: 031002-3

Air Mobility Command reactivates 18th Air Force

The first major change in the Air Force's organizational structure in more than a decade occurred here Oct. 1.
Published: Friday, October 03, 2003
Article Views: 2551      Release #: 031002-4

USTRANSCOM officer awarded Bronze Star Medal

Air Force, Lt. Col. Earl "Putt" R. Nason was recognized for distinguished service in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Published: Thursday, October 02, 2003
Article Views: 2476      Release #: 031001-2

Staff sergeant wins top MTMC NCO honors for 2003

Competition for this year’s selection was “a dead heat,” said Command Sgt. Maj. James Morgan.
Published: Thursday, October 02, 2003
Article Views: 2558      Release #: 031002-1

Military Traffic Management Command’s new POV contract boosts user benefits

The contract begins Nov. 1.
Published: Thursday, October 02, 2003
Article Views: 2435      Release #: 031002-2

General says warfighters want single source for answers --
Distribution Process Owner designation is essential first step

Lt. Gen. Hughey, deputy commander, USTRANSCOM, says the command is consulting with the services, combatant commanders, defense agencies and industry partners to coordinate its new responsibilities.
Published: Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Article Views: 2556      Release #: 031001-1

USTRANSCOM’s Deputy Commander recognizes everyday transportation heroes at NDTA’s 57th Annual Forum

Noting the on-going changes in defense transportation, Lt. Gen. Gary H. Hughey, deputy commander, USTRANSCOM, focused his remarks on what has not changed, the people.
Published: Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Article Views: 2438      Release #: 030924-1

USTRANSCOM wins e-Gov and Computer Week Magazine’s Enterprise Architecture Award

USTRANSCOM’s Defense Transportation System (DTS) Enterprise Architecture (EA) was awarded the Leadership in Enterprise Architecture Award from e-Gov and Computer Week Magazine.
Published: Friday, September 19, 2003
Article Views: 2396      Release #: 030919-1

Three Ready Reserve Force Ships Successful in Readiness Activation Exercise

U.S. Maritime Administrator Capt. William Schubert said, "Readiness exercises such as these keep our ships in shape to provide the support our Armed Forces need. . ."
Published: Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Article Views: 2368      Release #: 030910-1

Joint Service Team to represent USTRANSCOM at 2003 Air Force marathon

A USTRANSCOM team comprised of members of each service will compete at the 2003 United States Air Force Marathon, at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Sept. 20th.
Published: Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Article Views: 2465      Release #: 030910-2


The DoD will now have one entity to revolutionize this system, working with the services and combatant commanders in synchronizing the distribution of personnel and equipment from factory to foxhole.
Published: Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Article Views: 2499      Release #: 030925-1

Ship named for Bob Hope returns from Kuwait with 3rd ID combat gear

The 3rd ID transit marked the eighth loading operation in support of OIF for USNS Bob Hope.
Published: Friday, September 05, 2003
Article Views: 2416      Release #: 030905-1

AMC announces 2003 Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award winners

The Lance P. Sijan U.S. Air Force Leadership Award, provides recognition for leaders who have demonstrated the highest qualities of leadership in their personal conduct and performance of duties.
Published: Monday, September 01, 2003
Article Views: 2744      Release #: 030901-1

USTRANSCOM hosts American Legion

While in St. Louis for their national convention, members of the American Legion toured USTRANSCOM, Aug. 22, 2003.
Published: Friday, August 22, 2003
Article Views: 2434      Release #: 030822-1

C-130, KC-135 make CONUS aeromedical evacuation debut

The C-130 Hercules and KC-135 Stratotanker made their debut as aeromedical evacuation aircraft for routine flights within the continental United States Aug. 7.
Published: Friday, August 15, 2003
Article Views: 2620      Release #: 030815-1

COMMENTARY: People are at the heart of accolades for AMC

Each day I'm impressed with the tremendous number of accolades I hear for the work of U.S. Transportation Command and Air Mobility Command.
Published: Friday, August 15, 2003
Article Views: 2485      Release #: 030815-2

USTRANSCOM learns personal finance from Suze Orman

The soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, coast guardsmen, and civilian workforce at U.S. Transportation Command hosted Ms. Suze Orman here Wed. 13th.
Published: Thursday, August 14, 2003
Article Views: 2511      Release #: 030814-1

EMTFs: mobility support to 21st century warfighters

On Oct. 1, Air Mobility Command's warfighting reorganization will transform the command's structure to ensure better mobility mission focus for today's expeditionary Air Force.
Published: Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Article Views: 2522      Release #: 030730-1

New Supply, Transportation Fellows Program Established

The new program is designed to encourage the career development of mid-level DoD logistics professionals, both military and defense civilian employees, who will help lead and manage DoD's Future Logistics Enterprise.
Published: Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Article Views: 2371      Release #: 030730-2

AMC to reorganize, activate 18th AF

Gen. John W. Handy, commander of U.S. Transportation Command and Air Mobility Command here, announced a major reorganization of AMC.
Published: Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Article Views: 2566      Release #: 030730-3

AMC reorganizes to better serve warfighters

The result will be a single commander charged with the tasking and execution of all air mobility missions.
Published: Monday, July 28, 2003
Article Views: 2420      Release #: 030728-1

McMillin receives Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff award and farewell from USTRANSCOM

The award is the highest-ranking civilian service award under the approval authority of the Chairman.
Published: Thursday, July 24, 2003
Article Views: 2677      Release #: 030723-1

MTMC brings Marine Corps equipment home from Operation Iraqi Freedom

The Military Traffic Management Command continues to handle Marine equipment returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom through the State Port at Wilmington, N.C.
Published: Thursday, July 24, 2003
Article Views: 2526      Release #: 030724-1

USTRANSCOM Commander praises sea transportation team

I made this visit to congratulate you on your successful work,” Gen. Handy said at a gathering of MSC headquarters employees.
Published: Thursday, July 24, 2003
Article Views: 2444      Release #: 030724-2

Guidelines dictate gift giving to troops

The guidance recommends that monetary gifts from the public be made directly to private relief organizations, such as the Air Force Aid Society, American Red Cross, United Service Organization and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Published: Thursday, July 24, 2003
Article Views: 2454      Release #: 030724-3

Former Deputy Commander speaks on Desert Storm and early days at USTRANSCOM

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Starling spoke to USTRANSCOM personnel as part of the command’s Distinguished Speakers Series.
Published: Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Article Views: 2593      Release #: 030709-1

Training Workshop: Multi-modal conference offers training opportunities in Hawaii

End-to-end, seamless distribution of cargo and equipment from origin to the warfighter will be the theme of a Military Traffic Management Command co-sponsored conference in Hawaii.
Published: Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Article Views: 2445      Release #: 030702-1

Team MTMC secures prestigious AOTOS award

“This is wonderful news for the MTMC family and our industry partners,” said Maj. Gen. Ann Dunwoody, commander, MTMC.
Published: Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Article Views: 2500      Release #: 030702-2

General Selva assumes command of Air Force's newest air operations center

Brig. Gen. Paul J. Selva assumed command of the Tanker Airlift Control Center during a change of command ceremony here June 25.
Published: Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Article Views: 2371      Release #: 030702-3

Air Force cadets learn about defense transportation

U.S. Air Force cadets from the Academy and ROTC visited USTRANSCOM's Joint Mobility Operations Center during 'Operation Air Force' training at Scott AFB, Ill.
Published: Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Article Views: 2130      Release #: 030702-4

Celebrating 30 years of our All-Volunteer Force

The A--Volunteer Force has served the nation for more than a quarter century, providing a force of unparalleled quality that is experienced, disciplined and representative of America.
Published: Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Article Views: 2491      Release #: 030701-1

USTRANSCOM commander helps open new Shiloh-Scott MetroLink Station

The Shiloh-Scott MetroLink Station which connects Scott AFB to the St. Louis and Southwestern Illinois mass transit system was opened June 21st.
Published: Friday, June 27, 2003
Article Views: 2462      Release #: 030626-1

TEA earns Digital Government Award for IRRIS

The purpose of the awards is to recognize best practices in digital government and higher education in the United States.
Published: Friday, June 27, 2003
Article Views: 2482      Release #: 030627-1

AMC wins Foulois Award for flight safety

The Order of Daedalians presents the Foulois Award annually to the Air Force major command that achieved the best flying safety record as determined by the Air Force chief of staff.
Published: Friday, June 27, 2003
Article Views: 2487      Release #: 030627-2

Air Force JAs help TV network make history

General Sanborn -- Chief Counsel for U.S. Transportation Command and staff judge advocate for Air Mobility Command -- joined a small group of U.S. military judge advocates that will be featured on an upcoming History Channel production.
Published: Friday, June 27, 2003
Article Views: 2482      Release #: 030627-3

Roadmap outlines recapitalization of tanker fleet

The Air Force released a plan today outlining the retirement of the remaining 133 E-model KC-135 Stratotankers and the proposed integration of the 100 KC-767A tankers it is leasing from Boeing.
Published: Saturday, June 21, 2003
Article Views: 2524      Release #: 030621-1

USTRANSCOM Commander speaks at ceremony honoring merchant mariners

Gen. John W. Handy, Commander of U.S. Transportation Command, was the keynote speaker at a ceremony honoring the crew of SS Wright in the Port of Baltimore, Md., on June 16, 2003.
Published: Thursday, June 19, 2003
Article Views: 2497      Release #: 030619-1

Soldiers at USTRANSCOM observe the Army’s 228th Birthday

In a ceremony on June 13, 2003, which paid tribute to fallen comrades and looked forward to the challenges of the future, the soldiers stationed at USTRANSCOM marked the 228th birthday of the Army.
Published: Friday, June 13, 2003
Article Views: 2505      Release #: 030613-1

McGuire Starlifters fly 'Baghdad Express'

The 6th Airlift Squadron here may be the last active-duty squadron in the Air Force still flying C-141B Starlifters; however, the aircraft is far from being retired.
Published: Friday, June 13, 2003
Article Views: 2519      Release #: 030613-2

MSC loses civilian mariners but gains MSC reservists

A few of the Navy's Military Sealift Command civilian mariners got the unique experience of working as active duty military personnel for MSC during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Published: Friday, June 13, 2003
Article Views: 2515      Release #: 030613-3

Civil Reserve Air Fleet Stage I Deactivation Announced

The commander, U.S. Transportation Command has determined that continuation of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet call up is not required and has notified CRAF carriers that all aircraft called up will be released on June 18, 2003.
Published: Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Article Views: 2455      Release #: 030609-1

USTRANSCOM's Col. Butler awarded two medals

As Joint Intelligence Center--Transportation Commander, and Director of Intelligence, Butler increased the defense intelligence community's awareness of transportation as a critical component of preparation of the battlespace.
Published: Friday, June 06, 2003
Article Views: 2458      Release #: 030606-1

AMC airlift contracting goes to the Web

Air Mobility Command's Contract Airlift Division has launched "COINS Offers," a new Web-based function for commercial air carriers.
Published: Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Article Views: 2667      Release #: 030604-1

CSAF thanks AMC for OIF success

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Jumper sent the following letter to Gen. John W. Handy, commander of U.S. Transportation Command and Air Mobility Command, thanking the men and women of AMC for their support of Operation Iraqi Freedom:
Published: Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Article Views: 2524      Release #: 030604-2

DOD announces details of tanker lease program

The approval of the Air Force KC-767 tanker lease initiative was announced May 23.
Published: Friday, May 30, 2003
Article Views: 2389      Release #: 030530-1

AMC birthday message

A birthday message to the men and women of Air Mobility Command from General John W. Handy, commander, U.S. Transportation Command and Air Mobility Command.
Published: Thursday, May 29, 2003
Article Views: 2449      Release #: 030529-1

USTRANSCOM Moves Stryker To Certification

“USTRANSCOM's role is to assist in moving the SBCT in strategic, operational, and tactical scenarios,” said Army Lt. Col. William Souser, Deputy Chief of USTRANSCOM’s Plans and Readiness Division.
Published: Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Article Views: 2550      Release #: 030527-1

Moment of Remembrance planned by U.S. Merchant Mariners

Members of the U.S. Merchant Marine are asked to honor the memory of those Americans who died for their country while in the Armed Forces.
Published: Thursday, May 22, 2003
Article Views: 2474      Release #: 030522-1

Tanker Airlift Control Center opens new ops center

On the surface, the new TACC command and control complex, also called the "the core area," or "the floor," is a picture of modernization merged with design.
Published: Thursday, May 22, 2003
Article Views: 2791      Release #: 030522-2

Ohio Air National Guard unit gets four-star thanks

Gen. John W. Handy, commander of U.S. Transportation Command and Air Mobility Command, paid a visit May 15 to the Ohio National Guard's 179th Airlift Wing.
Published: Thursday, May 22, 2003
Article Views: 2474      Release #: 030522-3

Deputy Transportation Secretary Jackson Presents Medals For Operation Enduring Freedom/ Iraqi Freedom

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Transportation Michael P. Jackson presented Merchant Marine Expeditionary Medals to the officers and crew of the MV Cape Washington at a shipboard ceremony in Baltimore, MD.,
Published: Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Article Views: 2482      Release #: 030513-1

C-17s support Army’s Stryker certification

Photo of a C-17 Globemaster III accepting a Stryker armored combat vehicle during a field certification exercise.
Published: Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Article Views: 2491      Release #: 030513-2

National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 2003

The White House released the following Presidential Proclamation on May 9, 2003.
Published: Monday, May 12, 2003
Article Views: 2360      Release #: 030512-1

NASCAR's Kenny Wallace visits U.S.Transportation Command

NASCAR driver Kenny Wallace visited with soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, coast guardsmen and civilians at U.S. Transportation Command, May 7.
Published: Friday, May 09, 2003
Article Views: 2442      Release #: 030509-1

Aerial-refueling team awarded Distinguished Flying Crosses

While conducting air-refueling operations above Iraq on April 7, a four-person crew took their KC-135 further into harm's way to help airmen in trouble.
Published: Thursday, May 08, 2003
Article Views: 2530      Release #: 030508-1

‘Old Ironsides’ deploy aboard fleet of cargo ships

Recently, what might best be described as an “armada” of nine MSC cargo ships—loaded an entire U.S. Army division’s equipment heading for duty in Iraq
Published: Monday, May 05, 2003
Article Views: 2435      Release #: 030505-1

USTRANSCOM supports Army’s Stryker certification

The Air Mobility Command’s Tanker Airlift Control Center will provide the command and control for numerous C-17 Globemaster IIIs that will transport the SBCT.
Published: Friday, May 02, 2003
Article Views: 2498      Release #: 030430-1

U.S.Transportation Command officers selected for promotion

Two USTRANSCOM officers were selected by the U.S. Navy for promotion to captain.
Published: Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Article Views: 2366      Release #: 030429-1

USTRANSCOM honored for Information Technology

The Computerworld Honors Program recognized the U.S. Transportation Command, as a 2003 Laureate for the command’s Defense Transportation System Enterprise Architecture.
Published: Monday, April 28, 2003
Article Views: 2465      Release #: 030428-1

Air mobility teams work to bring in “heavies"

Before the U.S. military could get the "heavy metal" of airlift aircraft into Baghdad and other Iraqi airfields, a small group of air mobility warriors was on the ground making sure the conditions were right.
Published: Friday, April 18, 2003
Article Views: 2515      Release #: 030418-1

USTRANSCOM has a free ‘hotline’ for customers and partners

Customers and commercial partners that need to speak with planners about strategic mobility operations can call 1-866-622-2875, or 1-866-MCC-CTRL.
Published: Wednesday, April 16, 2003
Article Views: 2380      Release #: 030416-1

Commander announces AMC nominees for Air Force outstanding airmen

General Handy announced the nominees during a banquet here April 10 honoring the 12 enlisted airmen who competed at major command level.
Published: Monday, April 14, 2003
Article Views: 2487      Release #: 030414-1

Information technology firm honors MTMC IT professional

A Military Traffic Management Command division chief received an award from one of the command’s industry partners.
Published: Monday, April 14, 2003
Article Views: 2398      Release #: 030414-2

DOD Tests Space-Available Travel Privileges for Dependents within the CONUS

The test allows dependents of active duty and retired (drawing retirement pay) Uniformed Services members to travel within the CONUS when accompanied by their sponsors.
Published: Monday, April 07, 2003
Article Views: 2487      Release #: 030407-1

C-17 crews conduct historic airborne operations in Northern Iraq

The 173rd Airborne Brigade parachuted from C-17 “Globemasters”, into the Kurdish-controlled area of Northern Iraq -- the first-ever C-17 combat insertion of paratroopers.
Published: Thursday, March 27, 2003
Article Views: 2368      Release #: 030327-1

Radio frequency tagging helps track cargo

U.S. Transportation Command is using radio frequency emitting tags to improve the tracking of air cargo to the U.S. Central Command’s Area of Responsibility.
Published: Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Article Views: 2485      Release #: 030325-2

C-17 delivers on a promise

The arrival of Charleston's newest aircraft, the C-17 delivery here March 19 represented a sort of culmination of history for those aboard.
Published: Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Article Views: 2130      Release #: 030326-1

MTMC’s Deputy to the Commander earns Presidential Award

The Military Traffic Management Command’s Deputy to the Commander, William Lucas, garnered a Presidential Rank award for significant contributions to the nation.
Published: Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Article Views: 2458      Release #: 030326-2

Reserve general understands “citizen-soldier” commitment from both sides

“The reserves are a vital part of U.S. Transportation Command.” says Brig. Gen. William H. Johnson, Army Reserve, mobilized to suport USTRANSCOM’s operations directorate.
Published: Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Article Views: 2424      Release #: 030326-3


To bolster force protection, the general public is urged not to send unsolicited mail, care packages or donations to service members forward deployed unless you are a family member, loved one or personal friend.
Published: Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Article Views: 2400      Release #: 030325-1

USTRANSCOM deputy commander honors women Marines at 60-year anniversary

Lt. Gen. Gary Hughey, deputy commander, United States Transportation Command, was the guest speaker at the St. Louis Chapter of the Women Marine Association luncheon held recently.
Published: Friday, March 21, 2003
Article Views: 2492      Release #: 030321-1

Air Mobility Command names annual maintenance award winners

Air Mobility Command officials have announced the winners of the 2002 AMC Outstanding Professional of the Year awards.
Published: Friday, March 21, 2003
Article Views: 2957      Release #: 030321-2

USTRANSCOM planners listen to the President

As the President announced the commencement of combat operations against the Iraqi regime, March 19th, all heads turned attentively to the TV screens inside the U.S. Transportation Command’s Joint Mobility Operations Center.
Published: Thursday, March 20, 2003
Article Views: 2419      Release #: 030320-1

AMC announces senior officer assignments, retirements

Air Mobility Command officials have made the following senior officer announcements:
Published: Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Article Views: 2629      Release #: 030319-1

Moving our forces –- then and now

“We are ahead of the time line for a comparable force 12 years ago,” according to Air Force General John W. Handy, commander of U.S. Transportation Command.
Published: Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Article Views: 2425      Release #: 030314-2

Group of international military officers visits USTRANSCOM

Military officers from 34 different countries visited USTRANSCOM, March 14, 2003.
Published: Monday, March 17, 2003
Article Views: 2388      Release #: 030317-1

Liaison officers provide support at the “tip of the spear”

“Their (liaison officers) primary purpose is to facilitate communications and to ensure the warfighter’s requirements and priorities are understood," said Air Force Col. Curtis Ross, deputy director of operations at USTRANSCOM.
Published: Friday, March 14, 2003
Article Views: 2518      Release #: 030314-1

U.S. Transportation Command officers selected for colonel

Congratulations to colonel select Lee and Wojtysiak!
Published: Thursday, March 13, 2003
Article Views: 2520      Release #: 030313-1

AMC honors its outstanding airmen

Air Mobility Command is proud to announce its Outstanding Airmen of the Year for 2002.
Published: Thursday, March 13, 2003
Article Views: 2461      Release #: 030313-2

Battling high seas to transport forces

A photo of the MV Cape Texas in choppy seas.
Published: Friday, March 07, 2003
Article Views: 2546      Release #: 030307-1

Military Sealift Command names Sailor of the Year

Boatswain's Mate First Class (Surface Warfare) BM1(SW) Tyrone Graves, USN, was selected as the Military Sealift Command, or MSC, Sailor of the Year.
Published: Thursday, March 06, 2003
Article Views: 2424      Release #: 030304-1

Ladies' night over Afghanistan

The event marked the first all-female crew to fly an air refueling mission into Afghanistan.
Published: Thursday, March 06, 2003
Article Views: 2527      Release #: 030306-1

'Blizzard' of cargo crashes down on Aerial Port Squadron

The workload of the 437th Aerial Port Squadron increased an estimated 250 percent after two APS buildings at Dover AFB, Del., collapsed under pressure from a recent blizzard.
Published: Thursday, February 27, 2003
Article Views: 2378      Release #: 030227-1

U.S. Transportation Command improves News Service

The U.S. Transportation Command’s News Service has transformed to keep pace with its increasing number of subscribers.
Published: Thursday, February 20, 2003
Article Views: 2454      Release #: 030127-1

MTMC cancels 2003 training symposium

The Military Traffic Management Command has cancelled its 2003 Training Symposium.
Published: Friday, February 14, 2003
Article Views: 2482      Release #: 030214-1

A message from the USTRANSCOM commander celebrating the MTMC anniversary

General Handy's message to members of the Military Traffic Management Command
Published: Friday, February 14, 2003
Article Views: 2487      Release #: 030214-2

Army National Guard augments AMC security forces

Beginning this week, Army National Guard soldiers will augment security forces at Air Mobility Command bases nationwide.
Published: Friday, February 14, 2003
Article Views: 2568      Release #: 030214-3

USTRANSCOM awarded Joint Meritorious Unit Award

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, has awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award to Headquarters United States Transportation Command for exceptionally meritorious achievement.
Published: Monday, February 10, 2003
Article Views: 2714      Release #: 030210-1

USTRANSCOM and AMC praised for super human effort

General Richard B. Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, praised the work of U.S. Transportation Command and Air Mobility Command personnel during a visit here Friday, Feb 7th.
Published: Monday, February 10, 2003
Article Views: 2381      Release #: 030210-2

AMC announces 2002 Public Affairs award winners

Officials at Air Mobility Command have announced the winners of the 2002 Public Affairs Achievement Awards.
Published: Friday, January 31, 2003
Article Views: 2438      Release #: 030131-1

Army selects six U.S. Transportation Command officers to command battalions

Six Army officers assigned here at the U.S. Transportation Command are on the Army’s lieutenant colonel command list.
Published: Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Article Views: 2455      Release #: 030128-1

Under Secretary of Transportation for Security visits USTRANSCOM

leaders from the Transportation Security Administration and U.S. Transportation Command met recently to discuss security issues.
Published: Friday, January 17, 2003
Article Views: 2412      Release #: 030117-1

Mobility Forces Busy Supporting War on Terrorism

“Since Sept. 11, USTRANSCOM and Air Mobility Command have been on a high pace of operations for an incredible period of time,” said Gen. Handy, commander.
Published: Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Article Views: 2469      Release #: 030114-1

Pope combat controller awarded Air Force Cross

Senior Air Force leaders gathered at pope AFB, N.C., Jan 10, to honor a fallen hero with the Air Force Cross.
Published: Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Article Views: 2419      Release #: 030114-2

Top military, civilians of the year named at USTRANSCOM

Eight members of the United States Transportation Command were honored as top servicemen and civilians of the year for 2002.
Published: Friday, January 10, 2003
Article Views: 2507      Release #: 030110-1

Improvements made for transportation financial management

Collaboration among U.S. Transportation Command, Military Traffic Management Command, and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service has improved financial management for transportation assets.
Published: Thursday, January 09, 2003
Article Views: 2596      Release #: 030106-1

Scott AFB command is busy moving forces

“Our workload has certainly increased, but our dynamite troops and component commands are keeping up with the pace”, said Maj Gen William Welser, director of operations and logistics at USTRANSCOM.
Published: Thursday, January 09, 2003
Article Views: 2486      Release #: 030108-1

USNS Comfort Rescues Fisherman From Rough Atlantic Seas

Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort rescued a man yesterday whose boat had capsized and broken apart in rough seas off of Bermuda.
Published: Thursday, January 09, 2003
Article Views: 2564      Release #: 030109-1

Bobo gives Africa’s children a holiday to remember

For homeless children in tiny Sao Vicente, an island in the Cape Verde archipelago, it was a Christmas holiday season they won’t soon forget.
Published: Tuesday, January 07, 2003
Article Views: 2454      Release #: 030107-1

U.S. Transportation Command in 2002

During the past year, in addition to the global war against terrorism, USTRANSCOM continued to support a steady series of exercises, special missions, and humanitarian deployments around the world.
Published: Thursday, January 02, 2003
Article Views: 2404      Release #: 030102-1

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